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Public Comment

Before coming to the School Board with a specific school question, concern, or issue, we encourage you to discuss the issue first with the person closest to the situation such as a teacher, guidance counselor, school principal, and, if necessary, the appropriate person at the Administration & Resource Center.

Sign up using the form below to make a public comment at least two hours prior to the board meeting start time.

Information about making a public comment

The School Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. To permit fair and orderly expression of public comment, the board will provide a period of time at the meeting during which visitors may address the board on any topic. The public may also provide input to the board or district administrators outside of meetings by means of written correspondence.

The board requires that those addressing the board be residents or employees of the district or the representative of such residents or employees, parents or guardians of students enrolled in district schools, or employees of businesses located within the district. Persons not meeting these requirements may request an exception to these requirements from the board president by prior application to the superintendent at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the meeting. Any representative of a firm eligible to bid on materials or services solicited by the district shall also be entitled to comment.

After being recognized by the board president, individuals will state their name and proceed to make comments, limiting themselves to three (3) minutes. For those attending in person and who would like to leave documents for board members, please give them to the Recording Secretary and they will be forwarded to board members after the meeting.

The Board will provide one (1) period of up to thirty (30) minutes during its regular meetings during which the public may comment. If an entire thirty (30) minutes has been used, the board president may provide additional time for public comment. The board is not obligated to provide additional public comment time to accommodate everyone in attendance who wishes to speak. Any structure the board imposes will be content neutral. The president of the board may limit the total amount of time dedicated to public comment at any meeting.

Submitting public comment requests electronically or in-person

Citizens who wish to submit a public comment request electronically may do so by using the online form below or by emailing two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Questions or comments submitted electronically past the two-hour window will be shared with the Board after the meeting and a response, if appropriate, will be provided by Administration.

For those who are attending a board meeting in person and would like to submit a public comment request, there are forms available in the boardroom. After you complete the form, give it to the Recording Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting.


First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Are you a resident within district boundaries?required
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