July 2, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
July 2, 2024 1:00 PM
Board President Al Schreiber called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Board Directors Present: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Board President Schreiber announced two opportunities within the agenda for public comment and shared historical information in honor of Independence Day.
Board President Al Schreiber led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Director Betsy Foster moved to approve the agenda for the July 2, 2024 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Steve King.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed - Unanimously
June 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
Director Charlotte Murry moved to approve the minutes for the June 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Betsy Foster.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Abstained: Miranda Evans
1. Donations: Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh presented the donations. She expressed her appreciation for the donations.
2. May Financial Report: Ruth Floyd
Executive Director of Business Services, Ruth Floyd, walked the Board through the May Financial Report, highlighting the Executive Summary, Manager's Expenditure Report, Monthly Fund Balance, Object Summary, Budget Status Report, Budget Capacity Report, and Food Services Report. Questions followed.
3. 2024-25 Budget Development Update and Summary Reports: Ruth Floyd
Executive Director of Business Services, Ruth Floyd, presented the draft 2024-25 Budget Development Update highlighting the budget adoption process and schedule; Ms. Floyd presented details regarding the General Fund, Associated Student Body (ASB) Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and the Transportation Fund. Ms. Floyd thanked the Community Budget Advisory Committee for their input throughout the year. Executive Director Floyd shared that the 2024-25 Annual Budget will be presented to the Board at the August 20, 2024 Regular Meeting for hearing and adoption. Discussion followed.
4. Isolation and Restraint Report (Policy 3245): Robert Hascall
Executive Director of Special Services, Robert Hascall, presented the annual Isolation and Restraint Report which included comparison data on restraint and isolation occurrences, 2018-19 through 2023-24, and safe intervention trainings and strategies. Discussion followed.
Board President Schreiber invited anyone attending the meeting, in person and virtual, to speak to any items on the consent agenda and asked the directors if they wished to pull any items for discussion. Consent agenda items #5 and 11 were pulled for clarification.
Board President Schreiber called for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 1 through 4, 6 through 10, and 12, moved by Director Evans; seconded by Director King.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
Board President Schreiber shared he pulled Consent Agenda Item #5, Salary Schedule for the Non-Represented Employees of the Stanwood-Camano School District, to ask for clarification on the term Implicit Price Deflator. Ruth Floyd provided an explanation.
Board President Schreiber shared he pulled Consent Agenda Item #11, Personnel Report, to inquire about the hiring practice for coaches and volunteer requirements. Christine Del Pozo, Executive Director of Human Resources, provided an explanation regarding this consent agenda item.
There being no other comments or requests, Board President Schreiber asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 5 and 11; moved by Director Foster; seconded by Director King.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
1. Approve the Donations
2. Approve the Stanwood High School Student Field Trips:
a. Future Farmers of America Competition - FFA, October 20-26, 2024
b. Northwest Summer Yearbook Workshop - Annual, July 8-11, 2024
c. Mount Olympus Leadership Camp - Leadership Students, July 11-18, 2024
d. Officer Retreat - FFA, August 12-13, 2024
3. Approve the Interlocal Agreement with Northwest Educational Service District 189
4. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Public School Employees of the Stanwood-Camano School District
5. Approve the Salary Schedule for the Non-Represented Employees of the Stanwood-Camano School District
6. Approve the Salary Schedule for the Public School Employees of the Stanwood-Camano School District
7. Approve the Authorization to Rebid the Port Susan Middle School Fire Alarm System
8. Approve the Bus Purchase Authorization
9. Approve the Contract for the Non-Represented Employees of the Stanwood-Camano School District
10. Approve the Purchase Pre-Approval of Vehicles for Transporting Students
11. Approve the Personnel Report July 2, 2024
12. Approve the Bills and Payroll
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit online requests using the PUBLIC COMMENT link or email shoffman@stanwood.wednet.edu two hours prior to the board meeting start time. For those attending the meeting in person, request forms are available in the boardroom for submission prior to the meeting start time. Citizens who wish to provide documents to board members will hand them to the Recording Secretary for distribution after the meeting. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak.
There was no Public Comment.
1. Review of Board Policy 5231 Length of Work Day
2. Review of Board Policy 5252 Staff Participation in Political Activities
3. Review of Board Policy 5260 Personnel Records
4. Review of Board Policy 5309 Non-Represented Employee Compensation and Benefits
President Schreiber shared that it is the practice of the Board to review policies periodically. While there were no changes or updates to board policies 5231, 5252, 5260, and 5309, the Board will note that they have been reviewed. There were no questions regarding the policies reviewed.
5. Second Reading, Policy 4110, Citizens' Advisory Committees and Task Forces
President Schreiber facilitated a discussion about the need to add detail to this policy. Discussion and questions followed. Superintendent Rumbaugh provided an explanation outlining the district committees.
6. Student Representatives
President Schreiber clarified the policy outlining how Student Representatives are selected for the two high schools, also sharing that the board will be researching how student representatives are selected in other school districts as well as a discussion regarding Student Advisor WSSDA conference attendance. Discussion followed.
7. Bills and Payroll
President Schreiber shared that the Vice President of the Board is responsible for reviewing the district bills and payroll and suggested having a backup for this responsibility in the absence of the Vice President.
8. Advisory Committees and Academic Excellence Committee
President Schreiber expressed the importance of getting this committee underway sharing that the committee is still seeking volunteers to make up this committee.
9. Legal Counsel
President Schreiber facilitated a discussion surrounding the legal responsibility of the district to fund state-mandated requirements that are not funded by the state. Discussion followed.
Director King shared that he has been doing some research on how other districts are improving academic excellence.
Director Foster echoed Director King's thoughts on the importance of academic excellence as well as outcomes and budgets.
Director Evans' comment included highlighting the Free Summer Meals program available for students over the summer at Twin City Elementary School and Stanwood High School; track and tennis court availability to the public over the summer and the open gym time at Stanwood High School for students qualified through Final Forms.
There being no further business, President Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
Vice President
Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board