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January 15, 2024 Emergency School Board Meeting

The Board called an Emergency Meeting per RCW 42.30.230 and Board Policy 1400 to receive an update on an emergency due to broken water pipes at Stanwood Middle School, Port Susan Middle School, Utsalady Elementary School, and Elger Bay Elementary School. No voting or action took place at this meeting.

Stanwood-Camano School District #401


All online via Zoom January 15, 2024 - 12:00 PM MINUTES


Board President Al Schreiber called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.

Board Members Present via Zoom: Director Al Schreiber, Director Charlotte Murry, Director Miranda Evans, Director Betsy Foster and Director Steve King.


1.    Update on building damage due to flooding from broken pipes.
Superintendent Rumbaugh presented updated information about burst pipes from sub-freezing temperatures and plans to begin addressing the situation. A discussion followed. Topics included:

●    Hope to have a determination on if schools can open by 3 p.m.

●    District staff member provided building condition updates: Stanwood Middle was repaired and back to normal; Port Susan Middle had repairs underway for a leak in the kitchen and several fire suppression sprinkler heads in classrooms; mitigation equipment remains in place throughout Utsalady Elementary; and mitigation equipment remains in place throughout Elger Bay Elementary.

●    Port Susan, Elger Bay, and Utsalady don’t currently have their fire systems charged with water.

●    Area fire officials approved a plan to have a fire watch at each building if the district is able to open but the fire system is not charged with water

●    District staff reported the mitigation equipment is still needed at Elger Bay and Utsalady and that when it is complete, it will still take about a day to move equipment and furniture back into classrooms.

●    Port Susan’s kitchen cannot operate without an active fire suppression system, which may mean a modified food services plan for all schools on Tuesday

●    YMCA is working on a child care plan to make available to island families.

●    A school board director asked about mold concerns

●    A school board director asked about volunteering to help at a school

As there was no further business, President Schreiber adjourned the Regular Board Meeting at 12:12 p.m.


STANWOOD-CAMANO SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS _____________________________________ President _____________________________________ Vice President _____________________________________ Director _____________________________________ Director _____________________________________ Director