January 14, 2024 Emergency School Board Meeting
The Board called an Emergency Meeting per RCW 42.30.230 and Board Policy 1400 to receive an update on an emergency due to broken water pipes at Stanwood Middle School, Port Susan Middle School, Utsalady Elementary School, and Elger Bay Elementary School. No voting or action took place at this meeting.
Stanwood-Camano School District #401
All online via Zoom
January 14, 2023- 6:00 PM
Board President Al Schreiber called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL Board Members Present via Zoom: Director Al Schreiber, Director Charlotte Murry, Director Miranda Evans, Director Betsy Foster and Director Steve King.
FLAG SALUTE Director Schreiber led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Building damage due to flooding from broken pipes. Superintendent Rumbaugh presented information about burst pipes from sub-freezing temperatures and plans to begin addressing the situation. A discussion followed. Topics included:
● How all buildings followed new protocols for winter weather, modified after last winter. Protocols worked, but damage was in new areas.
● A pipe break of the fire suppression system in the Elger Bay Elementary library.
● Several pipe breaks, mostly of the fire suppression system, throughout several rooms on the first floor at Utsalady Elementary School, largely within exterior walls.
● Pipe failed in the kitchen and a classroom on the ground floor at Port Susan Middle School.
● Two pipeleaks in classrooms at Stanwood Middle School.
● Staff has inspected and will continue to inspect each school building as temperatures rise in the coming days. Water is turned off at several school buildings. Heat is on in school buildings and working well so far.
● Description of known damage, which at this time is still being investigated.
● How the district’s insurance will handle these incidents and claims.
● The process for moving forward to safely have students and staff return to buildings.
● Notifying the community about the situation.
● Plans to convene a meeting Monday, Jan. 15, to receive an update on the situation.