February 6 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
February 6, 2024 1:00 PM
Board President Al Schreiber called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Al Schreiber, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Board Members Absent: Charlotte Murry (excused)
Student Advisors Present: Grace Pacheco, Bee Hartell
Student Advisor, Grace Pacheco, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Director Betsy Foster moved to approve the agenda for the February 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Miranda Evans.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
January 14, 2024 Emergency Meeting Minutes
Director Miranda Evans moved to approve the January 14, 2024 Emergency Meeting minutes; seconded by Director Steve King.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
January 15, 2024 Emergency Meeting Minutes
Director Miranda Evans moved to approve the January 15, 2024 Emergency Meeting minutes; seconded by Director Betsy Foster.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
January 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
Director Miranda Evans moved to approve the January 16, 2024 Regular Board Meeting minutes; seconded by Director Betsy Foster.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
1. Donations: Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh
Student Advisors, Bee Hartell and Grace Pacheco, presented the donations. Superintendent Rumbaugh expressed her gratitude for the donations.
2. Stanwood Elementary School School Report: Staci Lauinger
Principal Staci Lauinger updated the Board on Stanwood Elementary School's School Improvement Plan (SIP) and Annual Action Plan (AAP). The update included progress monitoring for Math, Literacy, and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) goals. Questions followed.
3. Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Annual Report: Ryan Pike
Principal Ryan Pike presented the Board with an update on the Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) program at Lincoln Hill High School and Saratoga School. Highlights included student enrollment, student to teacher ratios, written learning plans, alternative learning supports for academic achievement, and self-evaluation. Questions followed.
4. Teaching and Learning Report: Dr. Ben Gauyan
Dr. Ben Guayan and Dr. Colin Ryan presented the Board with an update on the district's recent literacy adoption of Amplify for grades K-5 and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) for grades 6-8.
5. December Financial Report: Ruth Floyd
Executive Director of Business Services Ruth Floyd walked the board through the December Financial Report, highlighting the Executive Summary, Managers' Expenditure Report, Monthly Fund Balance, Object Summary, Budget Status Report, Budget Capacity Report, and Food Services Report.
President Schreiber offered those attending the meeting in person and virtually the opportunity to speak to any item on the Consent agenda; he offered board members an opportunity to pull and discuss any Consent items.
Director Foster pulled Consent item #4 Second Reading, Revised Policy 1220 Board Officers and Duties of Board Members.
There being no other comments or requests, President Schreiber asked for a motion to approve Consent agenda items 1 through 3 and 5 through 14; moved by Director Foster seconded by Director Evans.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
Discussion included the proposed change to policy 1220 to change the legislative rep position from a two year term to a one year term. The suggested was made to table the discussion until the next meeting. Superintendent Rumbaugh also stated that the incorrect policy revision was attached to the board memo, noting this error for the record.
President Schreiber asked for a motion to approve move Consent agenda items 3 and 4 (policy 1220 and related policy 1210 to a third reading; moved by Director Evans; seconded by Director Foster.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Passed: Unanimously
1. Approve the Donations
2. Approve the Stanwood High School student group field trips as listed below:
- Technology Student Association (TSA) State Conference - TSA Chapter Members, March 13-16, 2024, SeaTac, WA
- State Floral Contest - FFA Members, March 22-23, 2024, Castle Rock, WA
- Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association (WCTSMA) State - Sports Medicine Members, April 18-20, 2024, Tacoma, WA
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Business Leadership Conf., FBLA members, April 24-27, 2024, Spokane, WA
3. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 1210 Annual Organizational Meeting, Election of Officers
4. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 1220 Board Officers and Duties of Board Members
5. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5021 Applicability of Personnel Policies
6. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5271 Reporting Governmental Action (Whistleblower Protection)
7. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5315 Garnishment and Personal Credit Problems
8. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5612 Temporary Administrators
9. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5641 Student Teachers
10. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5642 Administrative Internships
11. Approve the Emergency Work by an External Contractor for Property Water Damage sustained at various district properties
12. Approve the Bus Purchase Authorization to purchase one type A school bus from Northwest Bus Sales
13. Approve the Agreement to purchase computers for the CTE (Career and Technical Education) Engineering programs
14. Approve the Personnel Report for February 6, 2024
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit online requests using the PUBLIC COMMENT link or email INTERNAL LINK [email protected] two hours prior to the board meeting start time. For those attending the meeting in person, request forms are available in the boardroom for submission prior to the meeting start time. Citizens who wish to provide documents to board members will hand them to the Recording Secretary for distribution after the meeting. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak.
Leslie Goehri addressed the Board about School Board Vice President Charlotte Murry's position with the Snohomish & Island County Labor Council. Ms. Geohri questioned if this is a conflict of interest. She asked about Board Director Murry's role in union negotiations with the district. Ms. Goehri asked the Board the formal process to get her questions answered. Superintendent Rumbaugh commented that the Board President typically asks the Superintendent to follow up with community members about their questions.
Tonya Booth addressed the board sharing her support for an ROTC program. Ms. Booth questioned the level of the budget spent on staff. She also expressed concerns about curriculum. Ms. Booth asked the Board to think about local property owners living on fixed incomes when planning district budgets.
1. First Reading, Revised Policy 5010 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
2. First Reading, Revised Policy 5525 Professional, Civic and Service Organization
The board did not have any questions regarding revised policies 5010 and 5525; there was a consensus to move policies 5010 and 5525 forward for a second reading.
3. Book Study - Katz and Dack, Intentional Interruption, Chapter 5
Superintendent Rumbaugh facilitated the book study discussion highlighting Chapter 5 and invited board member discussion. Board members shared what stood out to them about this chapter.
Grace Pacheco, Stanwood High School, reported on the upcoming events which include ASB elections, planning of the Spartan Olympics, a school dance on February 24th, and singing Valentines. Grace also reported on a successful MLK assembly and a social event following the basketball game.
Bee Hartell, Lincoln Hill High School, reported on the upcoming events which include a Valentine's Day fundraiser which will be delivered on Valentine's Day.
Director King reported that he attended a levy listening session sharing that the attendees had a lot of good questions.
Director Foster shared that she recently attended the Day on the Hill Legislative Conference in Olympia and toured the Stanwood-Camano Food Bank.
Director Evans attended a CFAC (Community Facilities Advisory Committee) meeting, several sporting events, as well as a few of the levy listening sessions. Director Evans also reminded those in attendance to vote.
Director Schreiber reminded everyone that information about the levy including recorded levy listening sessions can be found on the district's website. Director Schreiber shared that he has also attended some sporting events and wished the teams going off to district and state well.
President Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 2:21 p.m.
Vice President
Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board