May 16 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
May 16, 2023
Board President Miranda Evans called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 PM.
Board Members Present: Al Schreiber, Debbie Bayes, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Board Member(s) Absent: Charlotte Murry (Excused)
President Evans announced the Board would move to Executive Session to review the performance of a district employee until 6:00 PM.
President Evans moved the Board out of Executive Session and into the boardroom at 5:53 PM.
Student Advisor Jason Orzel called the Regular Meeting to Order at 6:00 PM and announced Directors Al Schreiber, Debbie Bayes, Miranda Evans and Natalie Hagglund are present and Director Charlotte Murry is absent and excused. Jason Orzel noted both Student Advisors, Hunter Sparrow and Jason Orzel, are present.
(As the May, 16, 2023 meeting is the last for students advisors, Jason and Hunter ran the meeting.)
Student Advisor Hunter Sparrow led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Director Hagglund requested to amend the agenda to include a Special Recognition. It was moved by Director Schreiber and seconded by Directors Evans to approve the May 16, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda, as amended.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Debbie Bayes, Miranda Evans and Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
May 2, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
Director Evans moved to approve the Minutes for the May 2, 2023 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Hagglund.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Debbie Bayes, Miranda Evans and Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
May 2, 2023 Study Session
Director Bayes moved to approve the Minutes for the May 2, 2023 Study Session; seconded by Director Schreiber.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Debbie Bayes, Miranda Evans and Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
1. Donations: Deborah Rumbaugh
Jason Orzel and Hunter Sparrow presented the donations.
2. May Enrollment Report: Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh presented the May Enrollment.
3. Stanwood Middle School Shining Star: Tod Klundt
Principal Klundt and Assistant Principal Christmas introduced seventh grade student Cassandra Haymaker and shared attributes for Cassandra's selection as Stanwood Middle School's Shining Star. The Board of Directors and Superintendent congratulated Cassandra and presented her with a plaque for the school, a certificate, and sponsor gift from Heritage Bank. Cassandra's achievements were celebrated by all.
4. Utsalady Elementary School Report and Shining Star: Julie Echols
Principal Julie Echols updated the board on progress, strategies and next steps for Utsalady Elementary’s Annual Action Plan for students and staff in Math, English Language Arts, and Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS).
Principal Echols introduced fourth grade student Emma Garner and shared attributes for Emma's selection as Utsalady Elementary's Shining Star. The Board of Directors and Superintendent congratulated Emma and presented her with a plaque for the school, a certificate, and sponsor gift from Heritage Bank. Emma's achievements were celebrated by all.
5. Student Advisor Recognition: Deborah Rumbaugh
Hunter Sparrow and Jason Orzel were presented with a certificate and award expressing appreciation for their service as Student Advisors to the Board of Directors for the 2022-23 school year. Dr. Rumbaugh shared she and the Board are grateful to both for representing their school and providing perspective on behalf of students.
6. Student-Superintendent Leadership Team (SSLT) Update: Deborah Rumbaugh
Dr. Rumbaugh provided background on the application process and purpose of the newly formed Student-Superintendent Leadership Team; including to serve as an advisory council to the Superintendent and district as a whole to provide input on what is important to them, and to place student voice at the forefront of addressing issues of race, identity and inclusion. The 2023 meeting schedule and topics of discussion were shared, as well as identifying key areas of work for the team in 2023-24.
Board Special Recognition
The Board and Superintendent recognized and thanked Chris Hansen for her work supporting the School Board and the Superintendent, in honor of her upcoming retirement.
7. Equity Update: Dr. Ben Gauyan and Kelly Parsons
The Equity Report, presented by Assistant Superintendent Dr. Ben Gauyan and Assistant Director of Academic Recovery Kelly Parsons, highlighted Equity Policy 0100, representation in hiring, 2023-24 school equity plans, positive outcomes of the recent kindergarten fair, a review of the March 29 staff professional development, and possible presentations for Equity symposiums this fall.
The board was offered an opportunity to pull and discuss any Consent items, and anyone attending the meeting was offered an opportunity to speak on items specific to the Consent Agenda. There being none, Director Schreiber moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 8; seconded by Director Hagglund.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Debbie Bayes, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
1. Approve the Stanwood High School Student Field Trips as listed below:
a. Basketball Team Camp - Boys Basketball, June 22-28, 2023, Princeton, NJ
b. Future Business Leaders of America - National FBLA Conference, June 25-July 1, Atlanta, GA
2. Approve the Erate purchase of Access Point to provide WIFI to our buildings
3. Approve the McKinstry Essention, LLC Boiler Replacement Project for Cedarhome Elementary and Port Susan Middle School
4. Approve the Bus Purchase Authorization for two Type D buses
5. Approve the Assignment of Teachers Outside of Endorsement Area
6. Approve the Updated Public School Employees Salary Schedule to include new Motor Pool Driver position
7. Approve the Personnel Report dated May 16, 2023
8. Approve the Bills and Payroll
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit online requests using the PUBLIC COMMENT link or email INTERNAL LINK [email protected] two hours prior to the board meeting start time. For those attending the meeting in person, request forms are available in the boardroom for submission prior to meeting start time. Citizens who wish to provide documents to board members will hand them with to the Recording Secretary for distribution after the meeting. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak.
Open Doors Teacher Jacob Galfano presented comment regarding closure of the Open Doors Program. Mr. Galfano urged the Board to continue the program.
1. First Reading, Revised Policy 5521 Teacher Assistance Program
There were no questions regarding retiring policy 5521, Teacher Assistance Program. Policy 5521 will move forward for a second reading.
Hunter Sparrow, Stanwood High School, provided a recap of year-end events; shared equity work with students continues; and expressed appreciation for tonight’s reports.
Jason Orzel, Lincoln Hill High School, reported it is spirit week at school and there is more participation this week than in previous spirit weeks; students are working on keeping the commons and other areas of the school cleaner; and discussion is taking place on ideas for more senior events in future years.
Director Bayes thanked the student advisors for leading the meeting; shared she enjoyed hearing about the kindergarten fair and seeing the pictures; she looks forward to hearing about next steps for the Equity symposiums; and she congratulated the Shining Stars on receiving an award and the Student-Superintendent Leadership Team for their work.
Director Hagglund's comments included thanking Jason and Hunter for serving on the board this year; sharing she looks forward to graduation and scholarship night; and noting 148 students will be receiving scholarships.
Director Schreiber extended his appreciation to Chris Hansen for her work supporting the Board.
Director Evans’ comments included thanking the student advisors for their service and for leading tonight’s meeting; looking forward to the end-of-year celebrations; and reminding anyone interested in running for one of the three open board positions that this is filing week (deadline is Friday, May 19, at 5:00 PM).
Hunter Sparrow adjourned the meeting at 7:07 PM.
Vice President
Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board