February 1 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Meeting
Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
February 1, 2022 - 1:00 PM
Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
Board Members Present: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Natalie Hagglund
Board Member(s) Absent: Miranda Evans (Excused)
Director Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance
Director Murry moved to approve the Agenda for the February 1, 2022 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Schreiber.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
January 18, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Director Schreiber moved to approve the Minutes of the January 18, 2022 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Christoferson.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson,
Abstain: Natalie Hagglund
Superintendent Rumbaugh presented the donation. -
Strategic Plan Update - Lauren Klaffky, Performance Fact, Incorporated
Mutiu Fagbayi provided a detailed update on progress toward finalizing the district's strategic plan. Mr. Fagbayi highlighted the work being done by various planning teams and the planning frameworks used, and he shared the goals/outcomes that are developing. Mr. Fagbayi offered an opportunity for the board to share about their individual participation in team meetings and discussion followed.
Alternative Learning Experience Annual Report - Ryan Pike
Principal Ryan Pike presented the annual report for the Alternative Learning Experience program. The program includes Lincoln Hill High School, Lincoln Academy, and Saratoga School. The review covered student and teacher Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), teacher to student ratio, student learning plans, student supervision and evaluation, program goals toward academic achievement, and the components of program self-evaluation.
Food Services Update - Don Vennetti
Food Services Director Don Vennetti reviewed food services staffing, supply chain issues, meals served year-to-date, hiring, and the team's commitment to serving district students. Discussion followed.
President Hagglund noted the backlog in approving Bills and Payroll is due to board member illness and not being able to physically review the accounts payable and payroll prior to the January 18, 2022 board meeting, she added this was an unusual situation and does not normally happen.
President Hagglund asked the board if there were any items they wished to pull and address and offered the public an opportunity to speak to items specific to the Consent Agenda. There being none, Director Christoferson moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items 1 through 7; seconded by Director Murry.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
Approve Donations.
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Stanwood-Camano Education Association (SCEA) related to Remote Learning.
Approve the Amended Contract with The Partners Group for consulting, support and compliance services related to employee benefits.
Approve the Updated Salary Schedules for the Stanwood-Camano School District Public School Employees (PSE) and District and Building Level Administrators.
Approve McGranahan Architects Amendment No. 8 regarding air cooling services at Stanwood High School.
Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda dated February 1, 2022.
Approve Bills and Payroll.
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit online requests using the PUBLIC COMMENT link or email INTERNAL LINK [email protected] two hours prior to the board meeting start time. For those attending the meeting in person, request forms are available in the boardroom for submission prior to meeting start time. Citizens who wish to provide documents to board members will hand them with to the Recording Secretary for distribution after the meeting. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak.
John Wallis, district parent, addressed the board regarding the district failing to provide a copy of his child's current safety plan and receiving conflicting information. Mr. Wallis provided a timeline regarding implementation of the plan, adding he has yet to receive a copy after making three requests. Mr. Wallis added there should not be a delay in parents receiving a safety plan for their child and he offered for the board reach out to him if they would like more information.
Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA) Annual Conference Take-Aways - Directors Evans and Murry.
Director Murry shared highlights of her attendance at the Washington State School Directors' Association's Annual Conference in November. Highlights included attending sessions on conducting empathy interviews versus electronic surveys and how they can engage the community; learning about House Bill 1660 regarding fees for optional non-credit extracurricular events for students that are low income; and, enjoying keynote speakers, particularly the conversation on kindness as a behavior by-product of learned social and emotional skills. Director Murry shared she is interested in how these topics might apply to the Stanwood-Camano School District. Legislative conference highlights included conversations on how to effectively interact with legislators on issues and closing gaps with those who are not necessarily interested in educational issues, understanding allocation formulas, sitting in on a Ways and Means committee meeting to hear about various senate bills and their effect on school districts, and learning about Senate Bill 5563, enrollment stabilization funding to address enrollment declines due to COVID.
Board Goals - Progress Update
Director Hagglund facilitated a board discussion on 2020-21 board goals and a quarterly progress check. Each item on the short-term list was discussed after which there was consensus that short-term goals are on track and in progress. No changes were made to the short-term list. Director Hagglund noted the long-term goals are an annual progress check and will be discussed at a future meeting. The Board Participation goal was discussed and it was agreed the board will continue to look for opportunities to interact with the public; all board members shared they are looking forward to offering and participating in more in-person opportunities for interaction.
Director Schreiber's comments include appreciation to: the Utsalady Ladies Aid for their donation; to those who provided public comment; for good discussion and interaction during the recent Coffee with the Board; and congratulations to those who have announced their retirement. Director Schreiber extended gratitude to the retirees for their years of service and wished them well. Additional comments included appreciation for the work being done in Communications; to Ryan Ovenell for his involvement in building the new Alternative Learning Center; to Ryan Pike for presenting the annual report; and for the Strategic Planning work that is happening, adding he is excited to see the results.
Director Murry thanked those who presented, adding she appreciates learning about the work happening in the district; she thanked John Wallis for his public comment and hearing his standpoint, adding she hopes there is resolution; and she thanked those who are retiring for the number of years and expertise they have given to the district. Director Murry added she hopes everything goes well with the legislative session and that there will be good news to share in the coming weeks.
Director Christoferson reiterated earlier board comments regarding retirees and added his appreciation for the commitment of people on behalf of kids and to those who devote an entire career to the betterment of students. Director Christoferson commented on self-reflection and the importance of reviewing and evaluating board efforts in order to make changes for the better, including policy changes if needed. He thanked everyone for the effort they are making on behalf of kids.
Director Hagglund's comments included: thanking the community for being respectful as she continues to hear stories of other districts having angry board meetings and tension; noting emails to the board have been respectful as everyone wants what is best for kids; appreciation for the cards sent by Utsalady Elementary students for board appreciation month; and appreciation for the families coming forward to share their experiences and providing an opportunity for the district to do better.
Superintendent Rumbaugh extended congratulations to Steve Lidgard on his retirement announcement, adding there will be celebrations in June; she noted student safety is on the board goals list and shared the district is working with a community group on safety and information will be shared with the board; and she shared thank you cards to the board from Utsalady Elementary students.
At 2:10 PM, President Hagglund announced the Board would recess to executive session to review the performance of a district employee for one hour, at which time the regular meeting would reconvene for formal adjournment.
At 3:10 PM, President Hagglund reconvened the regular meeting.
At 3:10 PM, President Hagglund adjourned the regular meeting.