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May 4 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292

May 4, 2021


At 1:00 PM, Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order.

The statutory waivers/suspensions of the Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA) cited in the Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15 have been extended, ..."until the termination of the state of emergency pursuant to RCW 43.06.210, or until rescinded, whichever occurs first." Therefore, the May 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting will be held using the Zoom platform.

Under the new phasing approach used by the Governor's office, regions in Phase 3 have the option to hold meetings remotely or in-person, in a limited capacity, provided there is strict adherence to all measures established by the Governor's guidance. To ensure the health and safety of all staff and community, the Stanwood-Camano School District is holding the May 4, 2021 meeting using the Zoom platform.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: May 4, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Stanwood-Camano School District Regular Board Meeting

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Board Members Present: Natalie Hagglund, Miranda Evans, Ken Christoferson, Charlotte Murry, Al Schreiber

Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Al Schreiber motioned to approve the Agenda for the May 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

April 20, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Charlotte Murry moved to approve the Minutes of the April 20, 2021 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Al Schreiber.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously


  1. Donations
    Miranda Evans presented the donations.

  2. May Enrollment - Steve Lidgard
    Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, reported total enrollment for May 2021 is 4398.35 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students, up 3.20 over the April count; he reported that enrollment average is 4414.3 or 221.7 FTE below budget.

  3. Emergency Planning Report - Mark Carter
    Mark Carter, Director of Student Services and Safety, provided background on development of the district's Safety Task Force and reviewed emergency planning prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. Mr. Carter reviewed adjustments made to emergency planning during the pandemic, and reviewed steps moving forward, including bringing back the Safety Task Force.


Natalie Hagglund announced the public may speak to items on the Consent Agenda and asked board members if there are any items they wish to pull. Natalie Hagglund requested to pull Consent Agenda item 9, Personnel Consent.

Ken Christoferson moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 8; seconded by Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

  1. Donations. That the Board approve the Donations, dated May 4, 2021. (SL)

  2. Approval of a Public Hearing for adoption of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget at the August 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting. That the Board approves a Public Hearing for adoption of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget at the August 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting, dated May 4, 2021. (SL)

  3. Approval of the Agreement with Sandbox Therapy Group for student special services. That the Board approves the Agreement with Sandbox Therapy Group for student special services, dated May 4, 2021. (RH)

  4. Approval of the Novel Star Girl and Out of My Mind for seventh and eighth grade English Language Arts. That the Board approves the novel Star Girl and Out of My Mind for seventh and eighth grade English Language Arts, dated May 4, 2021. (LS)

  5. Approval of the Interdistrict Cooperative Agreement with Northwest Career & Technical Academy to provide educational programs to district students. That the Board approves the Interdistrict Cooperative Agreement with Northwest Career & Technical Academy to provide educational programs to district students, dated May 4, 2021. (RS)

  6. Approval of the purchase of Chromebooks with funds from the 2018 Replacement Capital Projects & Technology Levy. That the Board approves the purchase of Chromebooks with funds from the 2018 Replacement Capital Projects & Technology Levy, dated May 4, 2021. (DJ)

  7. Approval of the Contract with Tyler Technologies (previously Ready Sub) for Guest Teacher Services. That the Board approves the Contract with Tyler Technologies (previously Ready Sub) for Guest Teacher Services, dated May 4, 2021. (MS)

  8. Approval of the Goods and Services Contract and Memorandum of Understanding with Therapeutic Health Services for student mental health services. That the Board approves the Goods and Services Contract and Memorandum of Understanding with Therapeutic Health Services for student mental health services, dated May 4, 2021. (MS)

  9. Approval of the Personnel Consent Agenda. That the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated May 4, 2021. (MS)

    Natalie Hagglund commented she pulled the Personnel Consent Agenda for a new hire introduction. Maurene Stanton introduced Ryan Pike and shared he will be filling Ryan Ovenell's position when Ryan Ovenell starts his new role at the district office. Ms. Stanton shared about Mr. Pike's employment history, most recently with the Anacortes School District, and welcomed him. Mr. Pike spoke about about his recent visit and tour of the Church Creek Campus and added he is excited to start in his new role; he expressed appreciation for the warm welcome. Ryan Ovenell added he is excited about the transition that is already occurring and that he trusts Church Creek Campus is in good hands moving forward.

    Natali Hagglund requested a motion to approve item #9 on the Consent Agenda, Personnel Consent.

    Al Schreiber moved to approved the Personnel Consent Agenda; seconded by Charlotte Murry.

    Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

    Passed - Unanimously


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email INTERNAL LINK [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your INTERNAL LINK email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.

Cindy and Charlies Maciver, Stanwood residents, commented in detail about their concern with implementing critical race theory into the curriculum.


  1. Board Goals - Quarterly Progress Check

    Board members discussed at length quarterly progress toward short term goals and board participation as outlined in the Board of Directors 2020-2021 goals document.

  2. Superintendent Search Update

    Natalie Hagglund reviewed in detail the remaining timeline for the superintendent search and shared details about the upcoming May 8, 2021 Special Meeting to interview preliminary candidates.


Al Schreiber welcomed Ryan Pike and thanked Ryan Ovenell for his work at Church Creek Campus and for the work he will do at the district office. Director Schreiber thanked Mark Carter for his work on emergency planning and Robert Hascall for the work he is doing in special services. Director Schreiber thanked certificated staff in honor of teacher appreciation week and read an appreciation message to certificated staff on behalf of the board and district administration.

Charlotte Murry's comments included welcoming Ryan Pike and sharing she looks forward to what Mr. Pike will bring to Church Creek Campus; thanking Mark Carter for his work on planning for COVID, thanking the Haggen Foundation for their donation in support of students; and, thanking teachers for their efforts this past year to make things work for students. Director Murry shared she participated in a recent recognition for employees of the month Rhea Link and Brandi Smith and congratulated them.

Ken Christoferson echoed previous board member comments. He reflected on the celebration of opening new buildings looked very different at the time projects started, and recognized the present as an opportunity to celebrate the resiliency of staff and community and the positive things that have been accomplished during a difficult time. Director Christoferson added he looks forward to the time when everyone can see students receive their diplomas.

Miranda Evans thanked Natalie Hagglund for her work to help the board stay on track and be the best board they can be; she gave a shout out to the community, thanking them for participating in the superintendent search survey and providing input on the characteristics and qualifications they are looking for in a superintendent; she thanked the community in advance for participating in this Saturday's meeting and providing more feedback. Director Evans thanked those who reported tonight and welcomed Ryan Pike to the district, adding she is excited for him as he starts his new job and looks forward to receiving Mr. Pike's updates.

Jean Shumate welcomed Ryan Pike and shared about the district partnering with Camano Island Fire for (optional) student vaccinations, adding a communication will be sent out about dates and times. Superintendent Shumate thanked teachers for their work and flexibility over the last 14 months and shared she looks forward to having high school graduation at the stadium.

Natalie Hagglund shared the board understands the critical role they have in selecting the next superintendent, adding they will continue to devote a lot of time to the process as they want to do what is best for kids. Director Hagglund shared a quote from Lisa Haisha, "Great leaders don't set out to be a leader. They set out to make a difference. It's never about the role - it's always about the goal." Director Hagglund thanked everyone for their participation in the process.

Natalie Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 1:59 PM.