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February 2 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292

February 2, 2021



Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM and announced the statutory waivers/suspensions of the Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA) cited in the Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15 have been extended, including that boards conduct meetings remotely and not in person, therefore, the February 2, 2021 Regular Board Meeting will be held using the Zoom platform.

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When: Feb 2, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: February 2, 2021 Stanwood-Camano School District Regular Board Meeting

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Natalie Hagglund shared about public speaking opportunities during the meeting.

Board Members Present: Natalie Hagglund, Al Schreiber, Ken Christoferson, Charlotte Murry, Al Schreiber.
Al Schreiber left the meeting at 1:50 PM.

Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Natalie Hagglund announced vote will be taken by roll call.

Al Schreiber moved to approve the Agenda for the February 2, 2021 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

January 19, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes

Charlotte Murry moved to approve the Minutes for the January 19, 2021 Regular Meeting; seconded by Ken Christoferson.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously


  1. Donations
    Charlotte Murry presented the donations.

  2. Enrollment Report - Steve Lidgard
    Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, reported February enrollment is 4,407.32 FTE (Full Time Equivalent students), down 2.9 from January. Year-to-date enrollment is 4,422.18 FTE; 213.82 below budget. Mr. Lidgard noted the enrollment drop at Saratoga is due mainly to students dispersing into the district; and in Career and Technical Education (CTE) it is due to the middle schools offering additional sections of CTE classes. The next count will be on March 1.

  3. Alternative Learning Experience - Ryan Ovenell
    Ryan Ovenell, Principal, Lincoln Hill High School, Lincoln Academy and Saratoga School, presented the annual Alternative Learning Experience programs report. He shared detailed data, including FTE and headcount, teacher to student ratios, student learning plans, student supervision and evaluation, overall program goals, and program self-evaluation. Discussion followed.


Natalie Hagglund asked if any board members or public would like to speak to the Consent Agenda. There were no requests.

Miranda Evans moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 7; seconded by Charlotte Murry.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

  1. Approval of the Agreement with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Child Nutrition Programs. That the Board approves the Agreement with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Child Nutrition Programs, dated February 2, 2021. (SL)

  2. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Sedro-Woolley, Burlington, Mount Vernon, Stanwood, and LaConner School Districts for providing Title I Part A, Title I Part C, and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) services to eligible private school children. That the Board approves the Interlocal Agreement with Sedro-Woolley, Burlington, Mount Vernon, Stanwood, and LaConner School Districts for providing Title I Part A, Title I Part C, and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) services to eligible private school children, dated February 2, 2021. (LS)

  3. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Snohomish Health District regarding Alternate Care Facilities and Dispensing Sites for Community Medical Emergencies. That the Board approves the Interlocal Agreement with Snohomish Health District regarding Alternate Care Facilities and Dispensing Sites for Community Medical Emergencies, dated February 2, 2021. (SL)

  4. Approval to extend the Contract with Wave for dark fiber service for an additional three years, July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. That the Board approves to extend the Contract with Wave for dark fiber service for an additional three years, July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, dated February 2, 2021. (DJ)

  5. Approval of the Assignment of Teachers Outside of Endorsed Area, Port Susan Middle School. That the Board approves the Assignment of Teachers Outside of Endorsed Area, Port Susan Middle School, dated February 2, 2021. (DJ)

  6. Approval of the Rate of Pay Adjustment for Student Workers and Activity Workers. That the Board approves the Rate of Pay Adjustment for Student Workers and Activity Workers, dated February 2, 2021. (MS)

  7. Approval of the Personnel Consent Agenda. That the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated February 2, 2021. (MS)


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email INTERNAL LINK [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your INTERNAL LINK email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.

Holly Chaney, Stanwood resident, read a detailed statement voicing her concern about on-line learning for students. Ms. Cheney closed with a question to the school board asking if they are responsible for making the final decision for returning students to in person instruction and when can high school students expect to return.

Board President Natalie Hagglund noted a report on the return of secondary students is scheduled for later in the meeting and Ms. Chaney might find it helpful.


  1. High School Sports Update - Tom Wilfong

    Tom Wilfong, Stanwood High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, presented a follow up to his January 19, 2021 report to the board on high school sports. He shared WESCO Athletic Directors met yesterday and tentatively approved to start fall sports on February 22. He added a final vote will be taken tomorrow and other topics will be discussed, including looking at a comprehensive COVID plan regarding competitions at schools, clarification on what the 200-count allotment means; pre and post season coach meetings; setting up an officials accounting program, and setting schedules. Discussion followed.

  2. Return of Secondary Students Update

    Dr. Lloy Schaaf, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, and Dan Johnston, Executive Director of Human Resources (Certificated) presented the Secondary Hybrid Agreement between the District and the Stanwood-Camano Education Association.

    The agreement states all students will continue with the distance learning model for the 20/21 school year and, in addition, may attend in person for academic support. Dr. Schaaf and Mr. Johnston presented components of the in-person schedule for student groups A and B. Additional details of the agreement were reviewed, such as class transition protocols, classroom seating plans, restroom use, and no meal service. Discussion followed.

  3. Collective Commitment/Strategic Plan - Lloy Schaaf and Maurene Stanton

    Lloy Schaaf provided history around the development of the Collective Commitment, created two years ago with input from parents, staff and the community in outreach sessions. Dr. Schaaf reviewed, in detail, each section of the Collective Commitment document. A review of the Strategic Plan, developed to support the Collective Commitment for students, followed. Discussion ensued. A suggestion was made to provide an update again in May and August. The August update will kick-off a timeline of reviewing the Collective Commitment/Strategic Plan approximately every trimester to measure progress.


Charlotte Murry thanked everyone for their work on plans to bring secondary students back as well as athletes. She added both were a huge undertaking. Additional comments included thanking Holly for her public comment and extending appreciation to everyone who attended today's meeting.

Ken Christoferson thanked everyone who worked on coming up with an acceptable plan. He added these are tough times and when people are frightened they need to be comfortable; he feels staff has done a great job of putting together a plan that the district can build upon moving forward. Additional comments included appreciation for tonight's presentations and noting it is helpful to get re-grounded and know that needed plans are in place and that they work during the current situation.

Miranda Evans thanked everyone for their work to get kids back in schools and shared about the excitement her students are feeling. Director Evans acknowledged community members from sports associations who were in attendance today and shared their email was received. She added the district is working on getting people back safely and putting forth their best effort to meet the needs of the community.

Jean Shumate thanked staff for all of their work on putting the secondary plan together and the board for supporting their efforts.

Natalie Hagglund shared she and Al Schreiber enjoyed attended Julie Zurcher's recognition as December Certificated Employee of the Month. Director Hagglund asked Tom Wilfong to relay appreciation to WESCO for what there are doing to make sports happen and expressed appreciation to Ryan Ovenell for how the Alternative Learning Experience program has stepped up this year to fill the gap for families who decided this program was the best route. Director Hagglund shared a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men to win them." Director Hagglund thanked everyone for choosing a course and following it through to the end.


At 2:40 PM, Natalie Hagglund recessed the meeting and announced the board would take a five-minute break and then go into Executive Session for approximately one hour to review the performance of a district employee.

At 3:53 PM, Natalie Hagglund reconvened the regular meeting. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:53 PM.


3:53 PM