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May 19 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

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MAY 19, 2020

Natalie Hagglund shared the following: On May 4, 2020, the Washington State Legislature extended the Governor's Proclamation 20-28 suspending Open Public Meeting Language requiring school boards to provide a physical location for the public to attend meetings in person. The proclamation requires that all attendance at an open public meeting not take place in person but occur remotely, including the board of directors and the public.

President Hagglund announced the Stanwood-Camano School District's May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting will be held using the Zoom platform and the board would not be receiving oral comment during the meeting. Comments may be submitted using the Public Comments link on the agenda or by one of the methods listed below:

Email to:
Christine Hansen
Secretary to the Superintendent
INTERNAL LINK [email protected]

U.S. Mail:
Stanwood-Camano School District
Board of Directors
26920 Pioneer Hwy
Stanwood, WA 98292

Drop Box:
Administration & Resource Center
26920 Pioneer Highway
Stanwood, WA 98292


Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Natalie Hagglund, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Charlotte Murry, Al Schreiber

Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance

Natalie Hagglund announced that due to the meeting taking place on a Zoom platform, all votes will be taken by oral roll call.

Al Schreiber made a motion to approve the Agenda for the May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Miranda Evans seconded the motion.

Aye, Al Schreiber; Aye, Charlotte Murry; Aye, Ken Christoferson; Aye, Miranda Evans; Aye, Natalie Hagglund. Passed unanimously.

INTERNAL LINK May 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Charlotte Murry made a motion to approve the Minutes for the May 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Ken Christoferson seconded the motion.

Aye, Al Schreiber; Aye, Charlotte Murry; Aye, Ken Christoferson; Aye, Miranda Evans; Aye, Natalie Hagglund. Passed unanimously.


  1. Capital Projects Update - Liz Jamieson
    Liz Jamieson, Director of Capital Projects, provided a detailed report on the status of the new Stanwood High School, Church Creek Campus, and Maintenance and Transportation Center projects. Project timelines and photos of work in progress for each site were shared.

  2. April Financial Report - Steve Lidgard
    Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, reviewed the attached April Financial Report. Mr. Lidgard highlighted information in the Executive Summary, General Fund Balance, Object Summary (Salaries and Benefits) and the Budget Status Report for the Debt Service Fund reports.

  3. Budget Update - Steve Lidgard
    Steve Lidgard reviewed the District's guidelines for developing the annual budget, as previously established by the School Board. Mr. Lidgard shared information from last week's Washington Association of School Business Officials (WASBO) conference (virtual), which included an overview provided by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) on the state's supplemental budget for July 1 2020 through June 2021. Mr. Lidgard noted OSPI prefaced the budget overview with a COVID-19 disclaimer (attached in Budget Update link). Mr. Lidgard shared the projected shortfall of around $7 billion to the state's operating budget for July 1 2020 through June 30, 2023 was also discussed; he noted that an official revenue projection from the state will become available around mid-June; and, the consensus from WSBO indicates there will be some adjustments to K-12 funding for this coming school year with major funding implications for the 2021-22 school year and beyond.


Shining Stars: Mackenzie Munro, Lincoln Academy; Krysani Gould, Lincoln Hill High School; Mylaina Ly, Saratoga School
Principal Ryan Ovenell shared about the process for nominating a Shining Star. Criteria for staff to consider includes overcoming obstacles, diligence, high academic achievement, a positive attitude, helping others, acting as role models, and having a good work ethic. Principal Ovenell and Teacher Monica McDaniel (Saratoga) shared about the achievements of Mackenzie Munro, Krysani Gould, and Mylaina Ly; respectively. The Board congratulated each student for their hard work and achievements.

Employees of the Month (February): Rick Houk, Stanwood Elementary Custodian, Classified Employee of the Month; Joyce Zeigen, Teacher of the Month, Twin City Elementary
Maurene Stanton introduced Principal Staci Lauinger and Principal Jennifer Allen to share about Rick Houk and Joyce Zeigen and their nomination as February 2020 Classified Employee of the Month and Teacher of the Month; respectively. The Board congratulated each staff member for their outstanding efforts.

Volunteer Service Award: Heidi Vitali, Lincoln Hill High School; Barbara Crow, Saratoga School
Maurene Stanton called on Ryan Ovenell to introduce the Volunteer Service Award winners. Principal Ovenell shared about Heidi Vitali's volunteer efforts at Lincoln Hill High School and introduced Teacher Darlene Hofbauer, Saratoga School, to share about Barbara Crow. The Board thanked the volunteers for their commitment to students and staff.

Student Advisors: Jacob Platt, Lincoln Hill High School; Aleena Wiegand, Stanwood High School
Natalie Hagglund thanked Jacob Platt and Aleena Wiegand for their service as Student Advisors and providing a student voice, sharing feedback from their schools, asking questions, and providing their perspective on issues. All board members joined in thanking Aleena and Jacob for their service.


At President Hagglund's request, Superintendent Shumate confirmed that all items on the Consent Agenda are routine and necessary.

Al Schreiber made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda for the May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Miranda Evans seconded the motion.

Aye, Al Schreiber; Aye, Charlotte Murry; Aye, Ken Christoferson; Aye, Miranda Evans; Aye, Natalie Hagglund. Passed unanimously.

  1. Second Reading of Revised Policy 2418 Waiver of High School Graduation Credits.

  2. Agreement with the Pacific Learning Center for Education Support Services.

  3. Letter of Agreement with the Public School Employees of the Stanwood-Camano School District providing guidance to supervisors and staff regarding evaluations for the 2019-2020 school year.

  4. Personnel Consent Agenda.

  5. Bills and Payroll.

Aleena Wiegand reported on: Stanwood High School's Senior Showcase where seniors post about their future plans on Instagram; the continuation of virtual morning announcements on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; the positive feedback from students on the new grading system; a successful virtual Celebration of Excellence event; the organization of a Fine Arts assembly; a new Trivia Tuesday for students; and, on the Class of 2020 Promenade where at-home proms and recognition of seniors for their end of year graduation are posted on Instagram.

Jacob Platt reported online learning is going well and shared details about Lincoln Hill High School's small group graduation plans for June 16. He noted a videographer will film the small groups receiving their diplomas and combine into one video.

Natalie Hagglund shared the Board will miss shaking hands with this year's graduates but will be with them in spirit.

Al Schreiber thanked the student advisors for all of their work this year. He thanked staff for everything they are doing in a difficult time to do what is best for students.

Charlotte Murry thanked the student advisors for doing a great job of bringing student issues to the Board and extended appreciation to high school staff for the Celebration of Excellence event, adding it was very well done.

Ken Christoferson thanked the student advisors for their contributions, adding their role is important and adds dimension to the work of the Board and benefits the entire school district, and he expressed appreciation to everyone involved in making sure the work of the district moves forward.

Miranda Evans echoed earlier comments of appreciation regarding the student advisors and added she appreciated the opportunity to get to know them and congratulated them on a great job.

Natalie Hagglund thanked everyone for attending and commented it is nice to see some new faces at the meeting.


At 2:20 PM, Natalie Hagglund recessed the regular meeting and announced the Board would go into an Executive Session for approximately 90 minutes to review the performance of a district employee.

At 3:45 PM Natalie Hagglund reconvened the regular meeting.

As there was no further business, Natalie Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 3:45 PM.