Procedure for 6114 Gifts or Donations
Equipment and materials, which are donated to a school or are brought to the school for temporary use shall be reviewed in terms of suitability and durability and for any possible health or safety hazards. The school principal shall be responsible for selecting other appropriate staff members to assist in the review process. If the equipment and/or materials are found to be unsuitable, the principal shall indicate the reason(s) in writing. If found to be acceptable, the principal will submit a work order for appropriate installation. Donated playground equipment must be referred to the superintendent's office before acceptance is granted. All gifts shall become district property and shall be accepted without obligation relative to use and/or disposal.
Any gift presented to the district shall satisfy the following criteria:
- The purpose or use shall be consistent with philosophy and programs of the district;
- The district shall assume only a minimum financial obligation for installation, maintenance and operation;
- The equipment shall be free from health and/or safety hazards; and
- The equipment shall be free from a direct or implied commercial endorsement.
Online fundraising sites (Donors Choose, for example) are permissible to use to solicit non-cash donations of supplies, materials, and equipment under the following conditions:
- Prior permission is received from the Superintendent or designee before posting the request.
- All items received are shipped directly to the school site or the district’s central receiving.
- Supplies, materials, or equipment are consistent with district standards.
- Supplies, materials, or equipment become the property of the district.
- Fixed assets are bar-coded and added to the site’s inventory lists.
District Fundraising – Prohibited Activities
The Washington State Auditor’s Office has provided guidance to the district that cash donations made to the district must be deposited to a district bank account within 24 hours of receipt to be in compliance with RCW 43.09.240. As a result, contracting with crowd sourcing sites such as: Snap!Raise, Go Fund Me, Indiegogo, Kickstarter, etc., where cash donations are made through third-party vendors and the third-party vendors receive a percentage or amount of the donation as payment for services are prohibited.
First enacted: 03.18.03
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised 01.15.12; 08.15.19