6950 Contractor Assurances, Surety Bonds and Insurance
A contract shall only be let to a contractor who is licensed or registered as required by the laws of this state. A contractor shall be granted a contract when a statement is submitted and sworn to which states that the contractor is in compliance with the state laws relating to prevailing wage for public works and with state and federal laws relating to nondiscrimination in hiring. Such a statement may be a provision or clause in the contract.
Contractor Surety Bonds and Insurance
Each contractor's bid must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond in the amount of at least five percent of the total bid amount, excluding taxes. Bid deposits pursuant to this policy may be based upon the architect's estimated cost of construction. Any bid which is not successful shall entitle the bidder to a refund of its security or bond. The successful bidder shall have the bond or security retained until such a time as it is determined that the bidder shall complete the contract. All bids received shall specify whether the district or the contractor shall carry fire, liability, or other insurance during construction.
The successful bidder is required to make, execute and deliver to the board a good and sufficient performance bond with two or more sureties or a surety company which shall state that the contractor shall execute and faithfully perform the provisions of the contract and shall pay all subcontractors and material men as required by law.
Legal References:
- RCW 39.08.010 Bond required--Conditions- Retention of contract amount in lieu of bond
- 39.06.010 Contracts with unregistered or unlicensed contractors and with other violators prohibited
- 39.12 Prevailing Wages on Public Works
- 49.60.180 Unfair practices of employment defined
- Title 7 Civil Rights Act of 1964;
- Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Adoption Date: 07.15.03
Stanwood-Camano School District