6800 Operations and Maintenance of School Property
The superintendent shall provide for a program to maintain the district physical plant and grounds by way of a continuous program of repair, maintenance and reconditioning. Budget recommendations shall be made each year to meet these needs and any such needs arising from an emergency.
Staff shall insure that buildings, grounds, equipment and furniture are not abused. Students or nonstudents who abuse school property may be disciplined and required to pay for the damage incurred.
The superintendent shall establish procedures for the investigation and reporting of damage or loss and shall initiate action to collect for damages. A student's grades, transcript or diploma may be withheld until restitution is made.
Five-year maintenance plan shall be updated annually to reflect maintenance needs, priorities and costs.
Cross Reference:
- Board Policy 3520 Student Fees, Fines, Charges
Legal Reference:
- RCW 28A.635.060 Defacing or injuring school property — Liability of parent or guardian
Adoption Date: 07.15.03
Stanwood-Camano School District