6250 Cellular Devices
The superintendent or designee may authorize the purchase of cellular devices, including cell phones, as needed for the efficient operation of the district or for use during emergencies.
The primary use of district-owned cellular devices will be for conducting district business.
Employees assigned district-owned devices are responsible for the safekeeping of such equipment. Employees are to use professional and good judgment as they use district-owned devices. Additionally, employees are to be aware that all communication on district-owned devices is subject to public record requests. All employees issued a cellular device will complete and comply with 6250F.
Cross References:
- Policy 2022 Technology and Electronic Resources and Internet Safety
- 6250F Cellular Device Acceptable Use Agreement
Adoption Date: 06.17.03
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 10.18.22; 11.21.23