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Procedure for 5642 Administrative Internships

Principal and Program Administrator Internship

The following procedures have been developed for implementing a principal or program administrator internship program in the Stanwood-Camano School District.



Four basic philosophy statements should guide the internship program in the Stanwood-Camano School District:

1. The intern applicant should be one in whom outstanding administrative potential is recognized.  This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Demonstrated communication skills
  • Flexibilit
  • Knowledge of alternative classroom management techniques  (Applies to principal interns only
  • Knowledge of alternative curriculum and/or administrative management techniques  (Applies to program management interns only
  • Dedication and commitment to do a job well, regardless of time involved

2. Once accepted for an internship, the intern should be able to receive the following kinds of support from the district:

  • Monetary, in the form of expenses paid to attend key meetings of the district’s choice
  • Released time, as is reasonable, to insure a well-rounded experience
  • Technical and emotional support
  • Delegation of tangible and relevant responsibilities

3. The internships will be a full year’s experience and will align with state requirements for internship hours.

4. The potential intern must have a keen interest in seeking a principalship or program  administrator’s position


Application Procedure:

  1. Prior to entering an administrative credential program, confer with and obtain approval from your building administrator for an internship experience in the district. Upon approval from the building principal, request an application packet from the Human Resources Office. Please note that your application for an internship experience is not approved until each step has been completed and notification is given by the Human Resources officer. 
  2. An applicant must have at least three year’s successful certificated experience, at least one of which occurred in the Stanwood-Camano School District
  3. No more than one principal intern per building or one program administrator per program will be accepted in any school year.  Unusual conditions may warrant waiving this rule.
  4. Application and selection will follow this procedure:
    • Application packets are available from Human Resources. Staff members who wish to do an administrative internship within the district must submit an application form to the appropriate building administrator or program manager no later than January 10th of the year prior to beginning your internship experience. The building administrator or program administrator will send copies of the completed application packet to the Human Resources Department no later than January 20th of the year prior to the internship experience.
    • The Executive Director of Human Resources will convene a representative committee to review potential candidate’s application packets.
    • All intern candidates will be interviewed.
    • The committee will send its recommendations to the Superintendent’s Cabinet for final action.
    • Human Resources will inform applicants of Cabinet actions.
  5. In the event applicant is accepted and the building or program administrator involved later moves to a new position, the application would revert to the Executive Director of Human Resources for reevaluation.


Internship Plan (To be planned in conjunction with the building principal or program administrator)

1. Initial planning.  The intern will:

  • Finalize placement with the building principal or program administrator
  • Obtain general information on the school district, and
  • Tour the district/building

2. The intern will set objectives and plan activities addressing the following requirements:

  • Visionary leadership
  • Instructional leadership
  • Organizational management/management of resources
  • Collaboration with family and community
  • Ethical leadership
  • Influence on the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context.

3. Responsibilities will be provided the interns in the areas of:

  • Staff meetings, discipline, budgeting
  • Staff evaluation and professional development of staff
  • Special populations (special education, ELL, 504 accommodations, etc.)
  • Parent and community communication
  • Special projects:  accreditation; special levy campaigns, curriculum development  (These responsibilities will vary according to the level and readiness of the intern.)

4. Allow for exposure to all levels:

  • Elementary
  • Middle school
  • High school

5. Allow for interdepartmental balance and exposure to selected areas:

  • Business
  • Personnel
  • Maintenance
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Technology Support

The intern should be placed on the mailing list of the above groups throughout the year.

6. Evaluation:

  • Informal – ongoing, can also be from assistant principals, counselors and/or program administrator’s designee.
  • Formal – quarterly, and end of year by the principal or program administrator and representative of the appropriate university.


First enacted:  10.7.03

Stanwood-Camano School District

Revision Date: 05.11.04, 5.04.07