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Procedure for 5252 Staff Participation in Political Activities

Staff Participation in Political Activities

Guidelines for staff participation in political activities are as follows:

Any employee who intends to campaign for an elective political office is encouraged to submit a statement of intent to the superintendent at least two weeks prior to the filing date. The letter of intent to file for political office shall include a statement which outlines:

The degree to which the employee might request leave to make personal appearances during work hours; and

The anticipated release time to conduct the duties associated with the elective office.

The employee who intends to campaign for an elective office shall be advised that:

Political activities shall not occur during the working hours of the employee. This shall not preclude the employee from renting space if such space is available on a rental basis for candidates who are not associated with the school district.

Political circulars, petitions or endorsements may not be distributed or posted on school property.

The collection of campaign funds and/or the solicitation of campaign workers is prohibited on school property.

The use of students for writing or addressing political materials, or the distribution of such materials to or by students is prohibited.

An employee may not campaign for a political candidate or for a political issue during school hours on school property.

Staff members who hold elective office are not entitled to release time from their school duties for reasons incidental to such office except as such time may qualify under the leave policies of the board or a provision of a negotiated labor agreement.

Violation of any of the stated rules may constitute sufficient cause for reprimand or dismissal.


First enacted:  12.18.01

Stanwood-Camano School District

Revised: 04.01.98, 12.18.01