5650 Non-Fraternization
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not seek to interfere with the lawful, private, off-duty conduct of its employees. Off-duty conduct, however, may occasionally affect an employee’s ability to effectively perform the duties of his or her job by creating conflicts of interest, office or building distractions, misunderstandings, the perception of favoritism, or complaints of sexual harassment, discrimination, favoritism, and breach of confidentiality, to name only a few examples.
Therefore, to ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and respect, and to promote the efficient operation of the District’s business, all employees are strongly discouraged from entering into close personal relationships, including romantic, dating, and/or sexual relationships with co-workers that would negatively impact the workplace, such as issues of security, supervision, evaluation, morale, or confidentiality.
When an employee enters into such a close personal relationship with another employee, the following guidelines will apply:
- If neither employee holds a supervisory position, employees should maintain appropriate workplace behavior. In this case, neither employee would be eligible for a promotion into a supervisor position where he or she would directly or indirectly (i.e. in the supervisory chain) supervise the other as long as they are both employed by the District and continue the relationship.
- If one or both employees hold supervisory positions (including Central Office administrators, principals, assistant principals, and supervisors), the employee(s) should be counseled and reminded of the District’s expectations for its supervisory employees and its policies and practices concerning appropriate workplace behavior. If the employees indicate that they plan to continue their relationship, the following action will be taken:
- If one employee holds a supervisory position and directly or indirectly supervises the other, the employment of the individual who holds the supervisory position will be terminated.
- If both employees hold supervisory positions and one directly or indirectly supervises the other, the employment of the individual who holds the higher management position will be terminated.
Adoption Date: 03.18.03
Reviewed: 1.2025
Stanwood-Camano School District