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5400 Personnel Leaves


Upon the recommendation of the superintendent and in accordance with the law and district policy, staff may be granted leaves pursuant to the following conditions, unless the applicable collective bargaining agreement provides otherwise:

Leave at Full Pay Unless Stated Otherwise. Leaves shall be with pay unless otherwise stated. If leaves are to include expenses to be paid by the district, that also shall be specifically stated.

Leaves in Units of Full Hours. Leaves may be granted in units specified by collective bargaining agreements.

Return from Leaves. At the end of any leave shorter than 20 days in duration, sabbatical leave, or sick leave which does not exhaust the staff member's accumulated sick leave, the affected staff member is entitled to return to the position held when the leave commenced or to an appropriate comparable position.

Except as may otherwise be specifically provided by law or district policy, a staff member shall be entitled to a position in the district subject to the availability of a position for which the staff member is qualified after leaves of longer duration.

Prior Notice of Application. Reasonable advance notice is required for all leaves, with specific advance notice as stated in district policy or collective bargaining agreements.

Flexibility in Granting Leaves. The superintendent, with approval of the board, may grant leaves to individuals who might not otherwise be covered, or extend leaves in excess of the number of days provided by district policy, in unusual or exceptional circumstances.

Leaves Prorated for Part-Time Staff. Part-time staff shall be entitled to leave benefits, unless otherwise stated in district policy, provided that the length of leaves shall be prorated according to the ratio of days and/or hours worked to the number of days and/or hours worked by a full-time staff member in the same or a similar position.

Noncumulative. Leaves shall be noncumulative from year to year unless otherwise stated.

Unpaid Leaves. Upon employee request, the superintendent or designee has discretion to consider providing unpaid leave to employees in certain circumstances. The option to provide unpaid leave does not obligate the district to do so or in any way limit or prevent the district from pursuing other responses.


Cross References:

  • Policy 5401 Sick Leave
  • Policy 5402 Maternity Leave
  • Policy 5403 Emergency and Discretionary Leaves
  • Policy 5404 Family and Medical Leave
  • Policy 5406 Leave Sharing
  • Policy 5407 Military Leave
  • Policy 5410 Holidays

Legal References:

  • RCW 28A.400.300 Hiring and discharging employees —Written leave policies – Seniority and leave benefits of employees transferring between school districts and other educational employers
  • AGO 1980 No. 22 Limitation on compensated leave for school district  employees

Management Resources:

  • 2021 December Issue
  • 2021 October Issue
  • 2011 December Issue




Adoption Date:  12.89

Stanwood-Camano School District

Revised:  3.16.04; 03.01.22