5260 Personnel Records
The district will maintain personnel records and files for each staff member of the district. Personnel files may be maintained by the district in hard copy or in an electronic format. The contents of the personnel files shall be available to the superintendent/designee.
A staff member will be permitted, during normal district business hours, to review the contents of his/her personnel file in the presence of an authorized staff member.
A staff member annually may request that the superintendent/designee review all information in the staff member's personnel file(s) The superintendent/designee will determine if there is any irrelevant or erroneous information in the file(s), and will remove all such information from the file(s). If a staff member does not agree with the determination, the staff member may at his or her request have placed in the personnel file a statement containing a rebuttal or correction.
Cross Reference: Board Policy 4040 Public Access to District Records
Legal References: RCW 28A.405.250 Certificated employees, applicants for certificated
position, not to be discriminated against-- Right to inspect personnel file
RCW 42.56.230(3) Certain personal and other records exempt (from
public inspection)
RCW 49.12.240-260 Employee inspection of personnel file Management Resources:2015 – October Policy Issue
Adoption Date: 6.17.03
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 9.06.16
Reviewed: 7.2.24