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4301 Improvement Districts and Licensing of Business


The board believes that the district should not affect a community’s decision to form or not to form improvement districts for purposes of upgrading utilities or roads.

The board shall, therefore, consider petitions presented by the district patrons for formation of improvement districts only after owners of more than fifty percent of the affected property (exclusive of district property) have approved such a plan.

The board reserves the right to initiate action for development of improvement districts when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the district.

The board also believes the immediate environs of school sites should be conducive to educational activities and free of industrial or commercial activities which may create health and/or safety hazards for students or staff.  The district goes on record opposing the licensing of a premises by the liquor control board within 500 feet of a school building.



Legal References:         

  • RCW  66.24.010                               Issuance, transferability  — Conditions and restrictions — Notice to local authorities — Proximity to churches, schools, etc.




Adoption Date:  06.03.03

Stanwood-Camano School District