4230 Distribution of Youth-Related Materials
A variety of education and youth-related information comes to the district with the request that it be distributed through the schools. Materials submitted by outside organizations will not be distributed to students or families unless authorization has been received from the Superintendent or designee. The professional judgment of the Superintendent or designee shall govern the decision making process.
The material must abide by Stanwood-Camano School District policies and be consistent with the goals of the district. Also considered is the social, recreational, or educational value for students, the benefit of the activity to students, and the potential impact that distribution of the material could have on the daily school operations and resources.
Any material submitted by a for-profit organization must meet the guidelines outlined in this policy and must advertise an activity related to a youth-oriented class or youth opportunity in the community.
The district reserves the right to deny any request. Any fliers or promotional material distributed to students by an outside organization must contain the following disclaimer: “The Stanwood-Camano School District has neither reviewed nor approved the program, personnel, activities or organizations announced in this flier, and undertakes no responsibility to supervise these events. This information is provided as a community service at the request of the event sponsor and organizer. This is not a district sponsored or endorsed event.”
Cross Reference:
- Board Policy 4235 Public Performances
Adoption Date: 03.90
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 06.03.03; 09.01.09; 10.20.20