4220 Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs
Constructive criticism can be helpful to the district. At the same time, the board has confidence in its staff and programs and will act to protect them from unwarranted criticism or disruptive interference. Complaints received by the board or a board member will be referred to the superintendent for investigation.
The superintendent will develop procedures to handle complaints concerning staff or programs. Complaints regarding instructional materials should be pursued in the manner provided for in Policy 2020, Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials.
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.405.300 Adverse change – in contract status of certificated employee – Determination of probably cause – Notice – Opportunity for hearing
- RW 42.30 Open Public Meetings Act
Cross References:
- 2020 – Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials
Adoption Date: 03.90
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 06.03.03; 11.20.07, 5.21.24