Procedure for 3413 Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions
Student Immunization
Immunizations provide children with immunity against some of the more serious contagious diseases. The safety and health of children at school depends on students being fully immunized against childhood diseases, unless the student is exempt from the immunization requirements.
1. Immunizations
According to state law, on or before the first day of each child’s attendance at any school or licensed daycare center, one of the following must be presented:
A. Proof of full immunization; or
B. Proof of the initiation of and compliance with a schedule of immunization; or
C. A certification of exemption from immunization requirements.
Immunizations that are required before a student can attend school currently include DTP/DTP/Td (Diptherea/Tetanus/Pertussis), OPV or IPV (Polio), MMR (Measles /Mumps/Rubella) and Hepatitis B. Other vaccine combinations may meet the requirements of this procedure.
2. Exemption
Any child may be exempt from any or all of the immunization requirements upon presentation of any one or more of the following:
A. A written certification signed by any physician that states a particular vaccine required is not advisable for the child; or
B. A written certification signed by the parent, guardian, or an adult with responsibility for the child that the religious beliefs of the signator are contrary to the required immunization measures; or
C. A written certification signed by the parent, guardian, or an adult with responsibility for the child that the signator has either a philosophical or personal objection to the immunization of the child.
These certifications must be provided on the form prescribed by the Department of Health.
3. Presentation of Certificate of Immunization Status or Proof of Exemption
When a child is enrolled in school the parent or guardian will be asked to provide the immunization record. The parent or guardian must bring the Certificate of Immunization Status form or proof or exemption.
4. School, School Nurse or Designee Responsibilities
The school, school nurse or designee:
A. Collects the Certificate of Immunization Status or exemption forms for each student. These forms will become a part of the student’s permanent record.
B. Informs parent(s) or guardian(s) if a student requires specific immunizations(s). Such notice shall be provided in the parent or guardians’ native language if feasible.
C. Enters the information into the computer system currently being used.
The school nurse or designee:
A. Makes the necessary arrangements for communicable disease management activities to be held at the school when such activities are necessary due to disease outbreaks. These activities will be completed in conjunction with local public health authorities.
5. Exclusion
If exclusion becomes necessary, the following due process procedures shall apply:
A. The District will send written notice to the parent or guardian stating that proof of immunization or exemption must be provided or the student will be excluded from school. The notice will be in the parent’s native language if feasible;
B. The notice shall be delivered in person or by certified mail, and will include information on the applicable laws, as well as this procedure;
C. The notice will explain the right to a hearing and the hearing procedures;
D. The notice will state that the student will be excluded immediately, unless proof of immunization or exemption is provided, or unless a hearing officer determines that the student should no longer be excluded from school.
6. Hearing
A. If a parent or guardian requests a hearing under this procedure, one shall be scheduled within three school days of receiving the request, unless the parent requests more time;
B. The hearing shall be consistent with the hearings for disciplinary procedures under WAC Chapter 180-40;
C. The student shall be excluded until the hearing officer makes a decision or until the proof of immunization or exemption is provided.
7. Record Retention
Proof of immunization or exemption shall be maintained at the school or daycare center for the time the child is enrolled in the school or attends the daycare center. Such information shall be kept in the student’s permanent file.
For each child who is excluded, a record of that exclusion must be maintained at the school or daycare center for not less than three years following the child’s exclusion. Such record must contain the child’s name, address, and date of exclusion.
A written report must be filed annually with the Department of Health on the immunization status of students at school or children attending a daycare center. Such report must be written on a form prescribed by the Department of Health.
Legal Reference:
- RCW 28A.210.060 - .170
- WAC Chapter 180-38
First enacted: 06.19.01
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 05.23.03