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Procedure for 3240 Student Conduct

Student Conduct

Respect for the Law and the Rights of Others

The student is responsible as a citizen to observe the laws of the United States, the State of Washington, and/or its subdivisions. While in the school, the student shall respect the rights of others. Students who involve themselves in criminal acts on school property, off school property at school-supervised events, or off school property – and which acts have a detrimental effect upon the maintenance and operation of the schools or the District – are subject to disciplinary action by the school and prosecution under the law. Students with disabilities have certain disciplinary protections.

Compliance with Rules

Students shall comply with all rules adopted by the District.  Failure to do so shall be cause for corrective action.

The following acts or commissions by a student while on school property (or in reasonable proximity thereto) or at any school-sponsored activity or event off school property are prohibited and shall constitute cause for discipline, suspension or expulsion by authorized District authorities.

A.  The commission of any criminal act under the laws of the state of Washington including, but not limited to, the following:

1.     ARSON:  The intentional setting of a fire or explosion.

2.     ASSAULT/BATTERY:  Physical threats or violence to persons. (A physical attack upon the body of another person may be made with any instrument including, but not limited to, weapons, body parts, food products, or bodily secretions.)

3.     BURGLARY:  The act of entering or remaining unlawfully in a building with the intent to commit a crime.

4.     EXPLOSIVES, PYROTECHNICS, and FIREWORKS:  Manufacture, purchase, sale, transfer, offer for sale, use, discharge, possession, transport or storage of any pyrotechnics, fireworks, explosives, improvised devices, or components that are intended to be assembled into an explosive.

5.     EXTORTION OR COERCION:  Obtaining or attempting to obtain money, property or services by threats or forcing someone to do something against his/her will by force or threat of force.

6.     FIREARMS/DANGEROUS WEAPONS:  Firearms and dangerous weapons are not permitted. Students carrying or possessing a firearm or dangerous weapon shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) year. Appropriate law enforcement agencies will be contacted if there are violations of the firearms/dangerous weapons statute.

7.     GAMBLING:  Risking something of monetary value for the chance to win a prize.

8.     THEFT:  Stealing from a person or institution.

9.     MALICIOUS MISCHIEF:  Property damage.

10.   ROBBERY:  Stealing by force or threat of force.


12.   TRESPASS:  Being present in an unauthorized place or refusing to leave when ordered to do so.

13.   THREATS TO BOMB or INJURE PROPERTY: Falsely reporting a fire or bombing.

14.   GANG INTIMIDATION: Threatening of another person with bodily injury because the person refuses to join or has attempted to withdraw from a gang.

B.   Being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance not prescribed by a physician for the student.

C.  Use or possession of alcohol, a controlled substance not prescribed by a physician for such student, a purported controlled substance, drug paraphernalia, and tobacco products including matches/lighters.

D.  The sale or delivery of alcohol, tobacco, or a controlled substance or purported controlled substance to another person.

E.   Refusal to identify self. All students must, upon request, identify themselves to proper school authorities.

F.   Any act or conduct directly or indirectly causing substantial or material disruption or obstruction of any school function or operation. Continuously and intentionally acting in any manner so as to interfere seriously with the teacher's ability to conduct his/her class.

G.  Failure to comply with school district policies or school rules or with the directions of teachers, substitute teachers, school patrolmen, custodians, nurses, counselors, attendants, teacher aides, bus drivers, cooks, secretaries, librarians, lunchroom supervisors, principals, or other authorized personnel during any period of time the student is properly under the authority of school personnel.

H.  The known possession, display, handling or transmission of any object which can reasonably be considered a weapon, including a light or laser pen.

I.    Any lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression.

J.    Belonging to a gang and/or identifiable hate group and/or engaging in gang related or hate group-related activities.

K.  Sexual, racial or other form of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

L.   Fighting.

M. Alteration of Records and Cheating. Falsifying, altering, and/or destroying a school record or any communication between home and school. Knowingly submitting the work of others represented as his or her own. Aiding and abetting the cheating of others.

N.  Inappropriate use of technology.

O.  Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying. Threatening to cause bodily injury, physical damage, or physical restraint of another, or maliciously threatening to do any other act intended to substantially harm the physical or mental health of another in any manner.


A student shall not be absent or tardy from classes without an approved excuse. A student absent or tardy without excuse shall be subject to corrective action or punishment.

Alcohol and Chemical Substances

The District recognizes the dual responsibility to establish disciplinary procedures in relation to student alcohol and other drug use and to support other alternatives for helping students and their families, such as staff training, and community education/awareness activities related to alcohol and other drug education.  These guidelines are intended to provide a measure of consistency among all schools, while permitting flexibility to impose alternatives as circumstances warrant.

I.     First Offense:

Possession of drug paraphernalia, possession and/or use of controlled substances, marijuana, alcohol and/or other substances intended to alter mood, or purported controlled substances, not taken at the direction of a physician, will be grounds for an emergency expulsion to be followed by a long-term suspension. At the high school level, long-term suspension will be for the remainder of the semester or not to exceed 90 days, whichever is greater, subject to the limitations of WAC 392-400-260(5). At the middle school level, long-term suspension will be for 90 days, subject to the limitations of WAC 392-400-260(5). At both the high school and middle school levels, the long-term suspension may be reduced to a short-term suspension of no fewer than five days if the student provides evidence of having scheduled, at the earliest possible date, a drug assessment and having complied with all health care recommendations, and may be accompanied by one or more of the following:

A.    Referral to law enforcement agency.

B.     Referral to in-building care team.

C.    Assignment to community service or alternative learning experience.

D.    Behavioral contracting.

E.     Other appropriate alternatives.

Failure to complete alternatives to suspension and health care recommendations shall be grounds for reinstating original sanctions. 

At the elementary level, students will receive an emergency expulsion followed by a short-term suspension or alternative correction plan. 

II.   Second Offense:

A second offense may result in:

A.    Expulsion.

B.     Short- or long-term suspension.

C.    Referral to law enforcement agency.

D.    Implementation of additional alternatives.

E.     Extension of alternatives for first offense.

Disruptive Conduct

A student shall not intentionally cause a substantial and material disruption of any school operations. The following illustrate the kinds of offenses that are prohibited, but is not an exhaustive list of all conduct which could be disruptive:

  1. occupying a school building or school grounds in order to deprive others of its use;
  2. blocking the entrance or exit of any school building or room in order to deprive others of passing through;
  3. setting fire to or substantially damaging school property;
  4. using or threatening to use, firearms, explosives or other weapons, including light or laser pens, on the school premises;
  5. preventing students from attending a class or school activity;
  6. blocking normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic on a school campus;
  7. interfering seriously with the conduct of any class or activity;
  8. gambling or encouraging other students to gamble;
  9. fighting; and
  10. inappropriate use of technology.

Alteration of Records and Cheating

Alteration of records—Any student who falsifies, alters, destroys a school record or any communication between home and school shall be subject to corrective action.

Cheating—Any student who knowingly submits work of others represented as his/her own shall be considered to have cheated. Cheating also includes the aiding and abetting of cheating by others. 

Damage or Theft of Property

A student shall not intentionally or with gross carelessness damage school or private property.

Extortion, Assault or Causing Physical Injury

A student shall not extort anything of value, threaten injury or attempt to cause physical injury or intentionally behave in such a way as could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury to any person.

Gang Activity

A student shall not engage in gang activity on school grounds. A gang is a group of three or more persons with identifiable leadership which on an ongoing basis, regularly conspires and acts in concert mainly for criminal purposes.

A student shall not claim membership in, association with, affiliation with, or participation in a gang or in gang-related activities at school or during school-related functions. A gang is a self-formed association of peers with one or more of the following characteristics:

  • a gang name and recognizable symbols
  • identifiable leadership
  • a geographic territory
  • a regular or recurrent meeting pattern
  • identification by law enforcement as a gang
  • collective actions to engage in serious criminal or violent behavior

The type of dress, apparel, activities, acts, behavior, or manner of grooming displayed, reflected, or participated in by a student shall not:

  • lead school officials to reasonably believe that such behavior, apparel, activities, acts, or other attributes are gang-related, and would disrupt or interfere with the school environment or activity, and/or educational objectives
  • present a safety hazard to self, students, or staff
  • create an atmosphere in which a student, or other person’s well-being is hindered by undue pressure, behavior, intimidation, overt gesture, or threat of violence
  • imply gang membership or affiliation by written communication, marks, drawings, tattoos, painting, design, and/or emblem upon any school or personal property, or one’s person

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

A student shall not harass, intimidate or bully another student, staff member, volunteer, parent or guardian through verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct on school property (or in reasonable proximity thereto), school transportation, or at school-sponsored activities off school property.

Leaving Campus During School Hours

A student shall not leave the school campus during the school day unless excused by the school office.


A student shall be expected to leave school property and grounds in reasonable proximity thereto, at the official close of the school day unless permission to do otherwise has been granted.

Tobacco Products

Student use of tobacco products is prohibited in District facilities or vehicles or on District property. Students will be subject to progressive discipline for violations of this policy.

Vulgar or Lewd Conduct

Any lewd, indecent or obscene act or expression is prohibited.

Weapons and Dangerous Instruments

A student shall not possess or transmit any object that can reasonably be considered a firearm, air gun or a dangerous weapon. Appropriate law enforcement agency will be contacted if there are violations of the firearms/dangerous weapons statute. 


First enacted: 12.19.00

Stanwood-Camano School District

Revision Date:  05.21.08