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Procedure for 3131 District Attendance Area Transfers

District Attendance Area Transfers

1.     Students who wish to transfer from their resident school in the district to another school within the district must complete an Application for Attendance in Non-Service Area School (In-District Transfer). Such requests will be reviewed and prioritized using the following criteria:

  1. Whether the student is a child of a full-time certificated or classified employee and the request is for the employee's assigned school or a feeder pattern school.
  2. The capacity of the building, program, grade level or classroom as determined by the district.
  3. Specific program features as reported by the principal to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.
  4. The availability of a program at a school to meet the educational needs of the student.
  5. Whether student is continuing enrollment at site or in program.
  6. Whether siblings are enrolled at the same site. In situations where district boundaries and special programs would separate siblings, this procedure keeps siblings together K-12, regardless of where the family resides.
  7. Date the In-District Transfer Form was received by the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

2.     A variance may be denied or revoked if:

  1. The variance request contributes to unbalanced enrollment across schools.
  2. The student’s disciplinary records indicate a history of violent or disruptive behavior or gang membership at his/her current school.
  3. The student is currently under suspension, expulsion or emergency expulsion. A variance may be revoked after a suspension or expulsion has been imposed.
  4. The student has difficulties with attendance or tardiness or has a truancy petition filed from their present or resident school.
  5. If continued enrollment poses a risk to the health and/or safety of other students and staff.

3.    Parents/legal guardians must:

  1. Complete the Application for Attendance in Non-Service Area School (In-District Transfer)
  2. Receive approval from the assistant superintendent for elementary or secondary education.
  3. Provide their own transportation to a designated location within the school's service area.
  4. Ensure prompt and regular attendance in accordance with compulsory attendance laws and district policies.  

4.     District students attending day care outside their resident school service area are subject to the same district criteria as other students requesting a variance.

5.     Applications for the upcoming school year will be reviewed annually each spring.

6.     Applications received after the first day of the academic year will be reviewed on a monthly basis during the last week of each respective month.

7.     School sites shall register only those students whose official and verified residential address places them within that school’s service area. All other student requests for transfers will be coordinated through the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning.

8.     Students receiving special education and bilingual services or other program supports will be assigned to schools according to the placement procedures of those respective programs, if that placement is required to meet their needs. In the instance of a specific placement being required, no variance will be needed. In other instances, students may request a variance and will be considered using the same criteria and procedures as other students.  The Executive Director of Special Services will review all variance requests.

9.     Students participating in home-based instruction who wish to be part-time students in a school other than their resident school must apply for a variance.

10.   Variances are limited to one request per academic year. If the family moves to a new residence during the year a corrected application must be filed with the new address.

11.   Variances will be granted on a full school year basis. Once a variance has been approved, the student will be enrolled in the requested school for the full school year, contingent upon the student’s continuous attendance and appropriate school behavior.  Students with attendance or discipline problems may be returned to their attendance area school. Approved students will be expected to attend the requested school and not return to their resident school until the following school year. Variances must be re-applied for annually.

12.   A parent/legal guardian may rescind the variance request within ten (10) days following receipt of the notice of approval of the request by providing notice to the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning.  Unless such a notice of rescission is received within the ten-day period, the variance approval will be deemed valid and will become effective for the following school year.

13.   Generally, the residence of a student is the residence of his or her parent or legal guardian. The residence of a student is defined as the place where the student eats, sleeps and otherwise finds his/her principal place of abode. In the case where a child is residing with someone other than his/her parent or legal guardian, i.e., a friend; the residency of the student will be established if the child spends 4 or more nights per week at that residence during the regular school calendar.

14.   Falsification of student or parent/guardian information, including an address, residence or conditions of living arrangements, to obtain a school assignment may be cause for the withdrawal of the student at the end of the current grading period and reassignment to their attendance area school. Written notice of intent to withdraw the student will be forwarded to the parent/guardian.

14.  A student may be granted a variance to a school outside their attendance area if proper documentary evidence is presented to the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning indicating that a proposed change of residence to another attendance area will occur or has occurred. Proper documentary evidence shall consist of the following:

  1. An earnest money agreement clearly showing date of possession and a statement from a realtor or mortgage company showing that all necessary activities such as financing or title clearance have been accomplished, or that the nature of the proposed transaction is such that the possession date can probably be met.
  2. A copy of a rental or lease agreement specifying the date of occupancy within 30 days. 


First enacted: 06.03.03

Stanwood-Camano School District

Revised:  09.16.03; 07.28.08; 08.19.08; 03.07.23; 1.16.24