Procedure 3418 Response to Student Injury or Illness
When a student is injured or ill at school or during any school-sponsored activity to any degree, it is the responsibility of staff to see that immediate care and attention is provided to the student unless or until the staff member is relieved by a staff member certified in first aid, a nurse, a doctor, or emergency personnel.
Except in cases of very minor injuries (e.g., cuts, scrapes, rug burns) that, in the judgment of the school nurse or a staff member certified in first aid, do not pose a serious health risk to the student and will not worsen if the student remains at school, the principal or designee and school nurse (if not already notified) will be promptly notified of any student's: 1) injury; 2) illness; or 3) physical trauma that could have caused injuries as yet unobservable.
The school nurse or staff member certified in first aid will determine whether the injury, illness or trauma is serious enough to warrant calling 911. Upon finding that it is not, either individual will provide appropriate first aid to the student consistent with their training.
Upon recommendation of the school nurse or a staff member certified in first aid, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be called immediately and the student will be transported to the hospital by EMS. Students with uncontrolled bleeding and those who have suffered temporary suffocation, cardiac arrest, fractures or head, neck, eye, ear, or spinal injuries will only be moved and transported by EMS.
Except in cases of very minor injuries as described above, the principal or designee will notify the parent or guardian (or, if the parent or guardian cannot be reached, the emergency contact), to advise them of the student's condition as soon as practicable.
The student's parent or guardian or emergency contact will decide, in non-emergency cases, whether: 1) the parent/guardian or emergency contact will transport the student to the hospital; 2) the parent/guardian or emergency contact will pick up the student or 3) the student will remain at school.
The district will consult with its legal counsel prior to accepting any advance directives to physicians to limit medical treatment.
First enacted: 03.90
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 05.19.03; 02.18.04, 09.15.15