3417 Catherterization
The board authorizes that qualified staff provide for clean, intermittent bladder catheterization (CIC) of students or assisted self-catheterization in conformance to rules adopted by the state board of nursing.
Employees who are not licensed nurses and whose job descriptions do not require performing catheterizations may file a written statement of refusal to perform catheterizations. Refusal will not adversely affect the employees’ job status or be grounds for dismissal.
Catheterization is permitted under the following conditions:
A. Parent, legal guardian or other person having legal control over the student file a written, current and unexpired request that the district provide for the catheterization of the student;
B. Licensed physician of the student file a written, current and unexpired request that catheterization of the student be provided for during the hours when school is in session or the hours when the student is under the supervision of school officials.
C. A registered nurse provide written, current and unexpired instructions regarding catheterization which states which staff members are designated to provide for catheterization and a description of the nature and extent of any supervision that is required.
D. A staff member who is authorized to provide for catheterization must receive training from a licensed osteopath, physician, practical nurse or registered nurse consistent with the rules of the state board of nursing (licensed practical nurses are exempted from the training requirement).
The district and its staff and the staff member who provides for catheterization in substantial compliance with this policy and the rules of the state board of nursing shall not be liable in any criminal action or for civil damages arising from providing catheterization. The district may discontinue catheterization service for a student without being liable so long as the affected parents/guardians are given advance oral/written notice.
Cross References: Board Policy 2161 |
Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students |
Legal References: RCW 28A.210.255 |
Provision of health services in public and private schools — Employee job description |
RCW 28A.210.280 |
Catheterization of public and private school students |
RCW 28A.210.290 |
Catheterization of Public and Private School Students — Immunity from liability |
WAC 246-840-820 |
Provision for clean, intermittent catheterization in schools |
Management Resources: |
2014 - December Issue |
2003 - December Issue |
2003 - June Issue |
Adoption Date: 03.90
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 09.16.03
Reviewed: 06.15.17