3141 Admission of Nonresident Students
Any student who resides outside the District may apply to attend a school in the District or file the parental declaration of the intent to provide home-based instruction and enroll for ancillary services, if any. All applications for nonresident attendance or home-based instruction will be considered on an equal basis. The District shall provide information on interdistrict enrollment policies to nonresidents on request The District will provide a link on the district website to the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s annual information booklet on enrollment options in the state.
A parent or guardian will apply for admission on behalf of his or her student by completing the Choice Transfer application and submitting it to their home district. The District shall be the sole determiner of the available enrollment capacity at each school for the upcoming school year. Such determinations will be made based on projected or actual enrollment and available staffing.
A student who resides in a district that does not operate a secondary program will be permitted to enroll in secondary schools in this district in accordance with state law and regulation relating to the financial responsibility of the resident district.
The superintendent or designee will accept or reject an application for nonresident admission based upon the following criteria:
A. Whether physical space is available in the requested program or school;
B. Whether space (as defined by teacher student ratios identified by the District) is available in program, grade level, or classes at the building in which the student desires to be enrolled.
C. Whether the District has space available in an approprate program to serve a student with disablities. In order to allow the District reasonable opportunity to make informed decisions regarding this criterion, appplicants must provide information in connection with an application disclosing whether a student has a disability that requires special education or other individualized services;
D. Whether appropriate educational programs or services are available to improve the student's condition as stated in requesting release from his or her district of residence;
E. Whether the student has a history of violent or disruptive behavior (meaning behavioral incidents resulting in multiple days in which the student was suspended and/or expelled), convictions for offenses or crimes, or gang membership (a gang means a group of three or more persons with identifiable leadership that on an ongoing basis regularly conspires and acts in concert mainly for criminal purposes); or
F. Whether the student has been expelled or suspended from a public school for more than ten consecutive days, in which case the student may apply for admission under the district's policy for readmission of expelled students.
Provided, however, that the District shall accept applications from a nonresident student if the student is a child of full-time certificated and classified school employee to the school to which the employee is assigned or at a school forming the district’s K-12 continuum, or at a school in the District that provides early intervention services or preschool services if the student is eligible for such services unless:
A. The student has a history of convictions, violent or disruptive behavior, or gang membership;
B. The student has been expelled or suspended from a public school for more than ten consecutive days; or
A variance may be denied and/or revoked if an applicant fails to provide or provides incomplete or inaccurate information requested by the District about whether a student has a disability requiring special education and/or other individualized services. A variance may also be revoked prior to the applicable school year if the student has problems with attendance, tardiness, early dismissals, discipline or if continued enrollment poses a risk to the health or safety of other students or staff. Falsification of records or documentation on the application may also result in revocation. Admission of a non-resident student operates for no more than the applicable school year, and non-resident students must apply for admission for each subsequent school year for which they seek to attend District schools.
The Superintendent or designee in a timely manner shall provide all applicants with notification of the approval or denial of the application.
Cross References:
- Board Policy 3121 Enrollment and Attendance Records
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.225.225 Applications from nonresident students or students receiving home-based instruction to attend district school –School employee’s children –Acceptance and rejection standards— Notification.
- RCW 28A.225.230 Appeal from certain decisions to deny student's request to attend non-resident district – Apportionment of credit
- RCW 28A.225.290 Enrollment options information booklet
- RCW 28A.225.300 Enrollment options information to parents
- WAC 392-137 Finance — Nonresident attendance
Adoption Date: 05.20.03
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 12.07.04; 06.07.16; 12.05.17 ;05.07.19