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3121 Compulsory Attendance


Parents/guardians of any child eight years of age and under eighteen years of age shall cause such child to attend school and such child shall have the responsibility to and therefore shall attend for the full time when such school may be in session unless the child is enrolled in an approved private school, an educational center or is receiving home-based instruction.

Exception may be granted by the superintendent for a child who is sixteen years of age or older if the child:

A.    Is regularly and lawfully employed and the parent agrees the child should not be required to attend school;

B.     Has met graduation requirements;

C.    Has received a certificate of educational competence.

As required by law, the district shall notify a child’s parent/guardian and petition the court when a child required to attend school fails to attend school without valid justification. The district shall inform students and parents annually about these compulsory attendance requirements.


Cross References:         

  • Board Policy  3114                 Part-time, Home-based, or Off-campus Students
  • Board Policy 3122                 Excused and Unexcused Absences

Legal References:         

  • AGO 1980 No. 6                    Truancy — Enforcement of compulsory school attendance law
  • RCW  28A.225.010,               Attendance mandatory — Age — Exceptions
  •  RCW  28A.225.080                Employment permits
  • RCW  28A.225.090                Court orders — Penalties — Parents’ defense
  • WAC  180-51-020                  Additional local standards


Adoption Date:  05.20.03

Stanwood-Camano School District

Revised: 09.05.17