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2153 Non-Curriculum Related Student Groups


Pursuant to the Equal Access Act, the board authorizes noncurriculum-related student groups to meet before or after school, subject to the approval of the principal. Such approval shall be granted provided that activities of the group are not disruptive to school operations and the members of the group comply with the rules established by the superintendent and/or school principal. The board authorizes the superintendent to develop administrative procedures to create or maintain this “limited open forum.”

The principal shall approve the noncurriculum-related student meeting or activity provided that:

1.  The meeting shall be voluntary and initiated by students.

2.  The school or its staff shall not be a sponsor of the group.

3.  The meeting shall not materially and substantially interfere with the orderly operation of the school.

4.  Students shall be responsible for the direction, control and conduct of the meeting. Guests must be registered and must not be regular participants.

5.  The use of school funds for other than incidental and/or monitoring costs shall not be permitted.

6.  A staff member shall not be compelled to attend when the meeting is contrary to his/her belief.

7.  The constitutional rights of all persons shall be respected.

The principal shall be responsible for the assignment of a room and for the approval and/or assignment of a staff member to monitor the meeting.


Cross References:

  • Board Policy 2150          Co-curricular Program

Legal References:

  • 20 U.S.C. 4071-4074        Equal Access Act
  • Wash. Const. Art. I, § 11
  • Wash. Const. Art. IX, § 4


Adoption Date: 08-19-03

Stanwood-Camano School District

Reviewed:  01.17.17


Procedure for 2153 Non-Curriculum Related Student Groups