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1220 Board Officers and Duties of Board Members



The president shall preside at all meetings of the board and sign all papers and documents as required by law or as authorized by action of the board.  The president shall conduct the meetings in the manner prescribed by the board's policies, provided that the president shall have the full right to participate in all aspects of board action without relinquishing the chair, including the right to vote on all matters put to a vote.

It shall be the responsibility of the board president to manage the board's deliberation so that it shall be clear, concise, and directed to the issue at hand; summarize discussion and/or action before moving on to the next agenda item; and to generally manage the meeting so that the agenda is treated in an expeditious manner.

The president shall be the official recipient of correspondence directed to the board and shall provide or cause to be provided to other board members and the superintendent, copies of the correspondence received on behalf of the board.

The president is authorized to consult with the superintendent on issues such as board meeting, study session and board retreat planning prior to presentation to the full board and perform tasks to facilitate board meetings.

In dealing with the media and the public in general, the president or his/her designee will serve as the spokesperson of the board.  The president is authorized to report and discuss those actions, which have been taken and those decisions made by the board as a body.  The president shall avoid speculating upon actions or decisions, which the board may take but has not yet taken.


Officers of the Board: Vice President

The vice president shall preside at board meetings in the absence of the president and shall perform all of the duties of the president in case of his/her absence or disability. The vice president is responsible for reviewing the bills and payroll as presented on the Consent Agenda. If the vice president has a conflict and is unable perform the review, they must arrange for another board member to perform the task.


Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) Legislative Representative

The board’s WSSDA legislative representative serves as the contact person and acts as the coordinator of the board’s legislative activities. The legislative representative, board president, or other designated board member will also serve as the board’s liaison at WSSDA’s General Assembly

The legislative representative will:

  1. Support the board’s engagement and participation in WSSDA’s annual legislative program. This includes: 
    1. Reviewing WSSDA legislative proposals with the board prior to WSSDA’s annual General Assembly. (It may be appropriate to schedule a special meeting for that purpose in order to allow sufficient time for discussion of the issues);
    2. When appropriate, obtaining the board’s support for a legislative proposal to be submitted to the WSSDA General Assembly and supporting that proposal at the Assembly; and
    3. Represent the board at state legislative meetings (e.g., the General Assembly, the Olympia Legislative Conference, and any area or regional workshops).
  2. Stay apprised of and initiate communications regarding state and federal educational policy and legislative issues/developments by:
    1. Providing legislative updates periodically at board meetings and during the Legislative Session, sharing information from WSSDA’s legislative updates; and
    2. Contacting legislators at appropriate times when legislative issues require it.

Establish and/or maintain contacts with local legislators, community education stakeholder groups, and the local press in order to explain or clarify WSSDA positions on legislative issues. It is expected, per WSSDA’s position description, that the legislative representative will devote approximately 20 hours per month to their role.


Duties of Individual Board Members

The authority of individual board members is limited to participating in actions taken by the board as a whole when legally in session.  Board members shall not assume responsibilities of administrators or other staff members.  The board or staff shall not be bound in any way by any action taken or statement made by any individual board member except when such statement or action is pursuant to specific instructions and official action taken by the board.

Each board member shall review the agenda and any study materials distributed prior to the meeting and be prepared to participate in the discussion and decision-making for each agenda item.

Each member is obligated to attend board meetings regularly.  Whenever possible, each director shall give advance notice to the president or superintendent of his/her inability to attend a board meeting.  A majority of the board may excuse a director's absence from a meeting if requested to do so.  The board may declare a board member's position vacant after four consecutive unexcused absences from regular board meetings.


Cross References                      

  • 1450 Absence of a Board Member

Legal References:

  • RCW 28A.343.390          Directors--Quorum--Failure to attend meetings may result in vacation of office
  • RCW 28A.320                Provisions applicable to all districts
  • RCW 28A.330.100          Additional powers of the board
  • RCW 28A.330.030          Duties of president
  • RCW 28A.330.080          Payment of Claims--Signing of warrants
  • RCW 28A.330.200          Organization of the board
  • RCW 28A.330.040          Duties of vice president

Management Resources            

  • April 2017 Issue Policy News
  • December 2007 Issue Policy News, Role of the Board President
  • October 2022 Issue Policy News


Adopted:   05.08.01

Stanwood-Camano School District

Revised:  05.03.11; 02.21.23; 2.20.2024