1005 Key Functions of the Board
Acting on behalf of the people of each community, the school board will fulfill the following functions:
Responsible Governance
The board, with participation by the community, shall envision the future of the school district's educational program and formulate goals, define outcomes and set the course for the school district. This will be done within the context of racial, ethnic and religious diversity and with a commitment to education excellence and equity for all students.
Creating Conditions for Student and Staff Success
To achieve the vision, the board will establish a structure which reflects local circumstances and creates an environment designed to ensure all students the opportunity to attain their maximum potential through a sound organizational framework.
This includes employing a superintendent, developing and approving policies, formulating budgets, setting high instructional and learning goals for staff and students, and nurturing a climate conducive to continuous improvement.
High Expectations for Student Learning
The board will continuously articulate the belief that all students can learn and that each student’s learning can improve regardless of existing circumstances or resources.
The board will act as leaders of a vision of shared learning that is supported by individual schools and the community.
Accountability for Student Learning
The board's accountability for student learning will include adopting a system of continuous assessment of all conditions affecting education, including assessments for measuring staff and student progress towards goals. The public will be kept informed about programs and progress. Staff and board training will be provided to ensure continuous improvement of student achievement.
Community Engagement
The board will serve as education's key advocate on behalf of students and their schools.
The board shall work to advance the community's vision for its schools, pursue the district's goals, encourage progress and energize systemic change and ensure that students are treated as whole persons in a diversified society.
Operating Protocol
For the purpose of enhancing teamwork among members of the board and between the board and the administration, we, the members of the Stanwood-Camano Board of Directors, do hereby publicly commit ourselves collectively and individually to the following operating protocol:
- The board will represent the needs and interests of all the children in the district;
- The board will lead by example. We agree to use words and actions that create a positive impression on an individual, the board, or the district. While we encourage differing points of view, we will do it with mutual care and respect.
- The board will emphasize planning, policy-making, and public relations rather than becoming involved in the management of schools operations;
- Surprises to the board or the superintendent will be the exception, not the rule. We agree to ask the board president or the superintendent to place an item on the agenda instead of bringing it up unexpectedly at the meeting.
- To be efficient and effective, succinct board meetings will be encouraged;
- Public input is most effective when received in a timely manner prior to scheduled action through a variety of oral and written communications. The board encourages communication to individual board members and the superintendent such as phone calls, personal meetings, e-mail and service on committees. The board meetings are the forum where decisions are made;
- At meetings, the board president will be cautious of time and consistently enforce the board’s protocol;
- The board president will meet regularly with the superintendent;
- During board meetings facts and information needed from the administration will be referred to the superintendent;
- Two hour, regular board work sessions will be held separate from board meetings for the purpose of studying specific issues;
- Executive sessions will be held only when specific needs arise. Board members must be sensitive to the legal ramifications of their meetings and comments;
- Communications between board and the staff are encouraged;
- The board will encourage patrons to present their own issues, problems, or proposals to the person who can properly and expeditiously address their issues;
- Personnel complaints and criticisms received by the board or its individual members will be referred to the appropriate supervisor or the superintendent;
- The board will practice annual self evaluations;
- The board will set clear goals for themselves and the superintendent, annually. The board and superintendent will facilitate goal setting for the school district;
- The board will do their homework and attend board training/networking opportunities;
- The superintendent is the educational leader and should recommend or propose or suggest on most matters before the board;
- The board will respect majority opinion and abide by dissension with grace. Individual board members do not have authority;
- The board president or designee will be the board spokesperson. When board members serve on various school committees the board will define the role;
- The board and superintendent will strive to act with the highest level of integrity.
Cross References
- Policy 1310 Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures
- Policy 1810 Annual Governance Goals and Objectives
- Policy 1820 Board Self-Assessment
Management Resources
- Policy News, 2012 – February Issue
Adopted: 05.08.01
Stanwood-Camano School District
Revised: 03.15.16; 3.22.21; 08.03.21