Community E-fliers
View the current e-fliers from community groups and local organizations offering programming for our students and families.
Utsalady Elementary Chess
Utsalady Elementary Lego
Twin City Elementary Chess
Twin City Elementary Lego
Stanwood Elementary LEGO
Stanwood Elementary Chess
Saratoga School Chess
Spring Rowing
Preschool at the YMCA
Toddlers at Play
Youth sports equipment drive
Kids in the Kitchen
Documentary Filmmaking
YMCA Teen Late NightÂ
Art Class
YMCA Swim Lessons
YMCA Spring Sports
Everett Rowing
CRC Kindergarten Readiness
Cold weather shelter
SafeTalk event
Tour Europe in Summer 2025
Stanwood-Camano Little League
Youth Dynamics November events at The Spot
STG Presents More Music at the Moore
STGS Workshop Series
Youth Choreographers Lab
STG 2024-25 Student & Community Performances
Submit an e-flier
Want to submit an e-Flier for posting on this page? Follow these three steps:
- E-fliers can be submitted starting on August 31, up until the deadline date of June 1.
- E-Fliers that have been approved for the website are also approved for distribution in schools. Up to 25 copies, per designated school, are allowed per board policy and procedure. Organizations are responsible to provide copies. The paragraph below, must be included on your flyer:
"The Stanwood-Camano School District has neither reviewed nor approved the program, personnel, activities or organizations announced in this flier, and undertakes no responsibility to supervise these events. This information is provided as a community service at the request of the event sponsor and organizer. This is not a district sponsored or endorsed event."
- Email the flier to as a PDF to approval.