Foster Care
Students in Foster Care
The Stanwood-Camano School District supports students in foster care by working to provide an equitable space for students to access the same education, rights and experiences as the rest of their peers. We acknowledge that students in care can be highly mobile which can create gaps in education and school connection.
In December 2015, Congress passed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). In 2016 provisions to complement the Fostering Connections Act of 2008 were implemented. The protections for children in foster care require school districts to work with child welfare agencies to ensure their educational stability.
Students in Foster Care have the right to the following:
Continue attending their school of origin — the school they were enrolled in before they were placed in care — or enroll in their new neighborhood school. A Best Interest Determination meeting should be scheduled as soon as possible to determine if attendance will remain the same or change.
Immediate enrollment in a new school, even if documents are missing or if enrollment deadlines have passed.
Have transportation to and from their school of origin if in their best interest.
Receive any additional services they are eligible for, such as MLL, Title I, Special Education and other programs.
Contact the school district liaison or the Building Point of Contact if you have any questions about a student in Foster Care
Michele Kunzman, Foster Care liaison for the Stanwood-Camano School District
Robert Hascall, Executive Director of Special Services
360-629-1236, ext 1392
Elementary Schools
Cedarhome: Kim Keller — or 360-629-1280, ext. 2430
Elger Bay: Allison Nosker — or 360-629-1290, ext. 2541
Stanwood: Kyland Fischer —or 360-629-1250, ext. 2106
Twin City: Rachel Soriano Sanchez — or 360-629-1270, ext. 2300
Utsalady: Jessica Mati — or 360.629.1260, ext. 2644
Middle Schools
Port Susan: Keli Niegemann — or 360-629-1360, ext. 4108
Stanwood: Jayde Piggott — or 360-629-1350, ext. 3132
High School
Stanwood: Tricia Tayon — or 360.629.1300, ext. 5236
Church Creek Campus (Lincoln Hill High, Lincoln Academy, and Saratoga School)
Christy Thompson —or 360.629.1340, ext. 2226
Stanwood-Camano School Board Policies
Please be advised that McKinney-Vento and Foster Care are separate programs. In some instances a student may be both a student in foster care and a student experiencing homelessness on a case by case basis.
School Notification Form
If you are a social worker or a case manager for a newly placed foster student please fill out the School Notification Form and email to Michele Kunzman at the District Office.